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Everything posted by Vkay

  1. hi, after some investigation into why this honest to god dumb game just refuses to work i've found it quite hard to even care at this point i have a guild of dedicated guildmembers, and all 30 of us have been trying all day to play, some managed to play this morning, or afternoon, but MANY have been unable to play, especially since your announcement of the 6.7 patch version, now i wish to bring forth the simple fact that in the bottom left of our screens on main menu we can simply see that our gameversion is 6.52! YET the official servers are on version 6.7. how do you expect us to play if you keep us on outdated versions? so far so many players have been unable to play that simply wiping the eu pvp server as well as the others might be a good idea, so far respawning rates were fucked, connectivity was and is fucked and many players experienced lag, i love the systems set into place and if the connection gets improved upon i will love it more. but that improvement needs to be made and i get that that takes time, but can we please get an answer on wether or not there will be a wipe and on wether or not we are in fact on the wrong version. my personal game says "PATCH 6.52 (Rev. 105929)." and while i have you here on the topic of bugs, why do players in lawless areas keep spawning at the bottom of the ocean in a cesspit of electric eels, whales and jellyfish. you would think that all that would have to be done to prevent this is for you to prevent them to spawn in these areas. i am well aware that fixing things costs time and i know you probably just think i'm a frustrated fan and i am, but this is getting ridiculous, many players here have paid for a game that they have to wait days for to even get a chance to play it, this isn't early access, because for many of us there is no access. this is an early clusterfuck thank you for your time Dominique Van Kerkhove (Vkay)
  2. Vkay


    HOME OF ATLAS CONTENT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaYAAovsiL7n7F9EoNNYmzQ
  3. i'm a sexy 23yearold man from belgium looking for a partner to download Atlas with, nothing serious, just download, the store is broken.
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