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Posts posted by wildbill

  1. When I play ARK after playing Atlas, It makes me wonder why Atlas has annoying stuff (not fun), like:

    1) Mini games to shoot any gun.

    2) You can't put more than two weapons in the hot bar at a time (never a thing in ARK).

    3) The wing suit is nerfed. The one in ARK doesn't drop you from the sky so easily and it doesn't slow you down. You can add the wing suit in ARK to your chest armor and leave it there and it is always available.

    4) Four types of food and a serious amount needed.

    5) Vitamin requirements.

    6) No easy way that a teleport mod can be added to alleviate the boring and large amount of time spent going from location to location.

    7) So many of the items you use from the hot bar must be moved there and removed when not needed, since if left in the hot bar in some way they nerf something.

    8 ) Crazy weather that will actually kill you.

    I guess the game is just too hard core for me. I keep going back to ARK (the game I was playing before I tried Atlas).

  2. 6 hours ago, gadefence said:

    My idea was the claim flag claims 1x old flag and resource harvest/taxes 2x old flag.

    Yes, I totally agree. The claim a whole island thing is fine for PvP, in my opinion, if PvE, it should be just the area around the flag, or if the farmhouse is used, around it. I'm playing on an unofficial PvE server that uses the flag to claim island. Seems very dumb to me and not like PvE. Now with the farmhouses, they are wanting to limit it to one farmhouse per company per island. Would be so much better if the game just limited the amount of area you can claim and did it with the farmhouse. Not sure why that has never been a thing. Before the point system and claiming whole islands, there would be flags all over the place, since there was no limit of how many you could place. Same would happen for farmhouses, so if they used the farmhouse to claim land, there would also need to be a point system of some sort that limited how many you can build.

  3. 12 hours ago, Hexaron said:

    Once again new little thing and its totally  broken unfinished or tested crap.

    Really funny is that i can't build it inside my base too many of them in same area wtf.? So my neighbor have farmhouse build first and then i must find place outside base for farmhouse that's just idiotic. All can turn it off  lol 🙂 And why it needs wood or thatch for fuel?, those materials are most needed.

    I really think game is alot more fun without farmhouses.

    Well I guess you have plenty to complain about at least 😀

    The Farmhouse needs I think just one piece of thatch for fuel initially to jump start it. From then on it just uses the stuff it harvests. No big deal.

    It becomes less efficient the more foundations are near it and has a fairly small radius where it collects, so it would be plain stupid to put it inside your base. 

    It can contribute to lag, just like any building, so really pretty smart that they limit how many can be placed.

    Oh, it is an additional thing you can use, no need to, if you don't like them, simply don't make one.

    Ya, the farm houses are idiotic, or maybe something else you mentioned is idiotic, I haven't decided yet.

    6 hours ago, gadefence said:

    They need to change back to the old flag system with your farmhouse being your flag, and everyone being limited to 1 or a few farm houses.

    That is a good idea, although seems like that would work best if the flag/farm house is used to claim an area around it, instead of claiming a whole island. In the latter case, the flag is not always where someone's base is.

  4. 2 hours ago, DannyUK said:

    They cancelled that idea, there is no buyable ships anymore unfortunately. 

    They didn't say they canceled it. They said based on feedback received, they are changing how they will implement the buyable ships, so did not have time to include it this update.

    Really, if you want to know, just read the patch notes for yourself. What you read in these forums can be kind of sketchy.

    • Like 1

  5. 20 hours ago, Svensmokavich said:

    anyone else been able to find Darkwood or Ironwood anywhere?how are we suppose to make anything mythical without 6 dif wood?

    I think you can just go to a freeport and trade wood and gold for the darkwood, right?

    That is what I've done before.

  6. 4 hours ago, Luxfere said:

    I did 5 on 1 map 1 was accessible the rest not at all then of course a sperm whale comes to eat you when the buggy diving suit seems to just disapear.

    Ive also been around since the beginning and been through the countless changes if a map is not doable for someone and you throw it away after the time it takes for it to rot so should the undead in the location. Otherwise you get the army of the damned I have seen over 30 of them and at a sick high level lol level 94-98

    Yes, I've also been playing this game from the beginning. I was on an official server just hours after they were available. What a mess that was 😀 I have taken a few breaks from the game, the last break was about six months long.

    I think though what is different between you and me, is as soon as I found a decent unofficial server I went and played there and never came back to the official servers. Sounds like you are playing official servers. Almost all unofficial servers do a daily reboot, since there are many reasons why that helps this game (although if it wasn't so buggy, it might not be necessary). Doesn't sound like the official servers reboot often, which is just one of the many reasons I won't play there.

  7. 10 hours ago, Kummba said:

    The bugged shipwrecks pile  up over time, hadnt had a server restart for a long time. Go hunt them after a restart.

    I also find leftover worriors often. I am sorry when it is only 1-3 highlevel, i assume the used all their tames up to kill them, and failed.


    Yes, totally agree with this. If you do shipwrecks on a server with daily restarts, you will only find like 1 in 10 bugged out where you can't get the chest. I've probably done 20 or 30 and only found one bugged so far. People that are seeing 50% of them bugged out are getting there after someone else has done most of the ones that aren't bugged.

  8. 3 hours ago, Laynie said:

    You realize us PVE players have paid same as u? I wonder how u would feel if they stripped parts of the game u loved. I literally bought it to play PVE with the fam... If we wanted to play sea of thieves we would have bought it! But that's not to say you shouldn't have your say, no matter how ridiculous it is   So yeah all you PVE peeps, they say we go to sea of thieves... (taken from the tinterweb... The Sea of Thieves site...  Sea of Thieves is a shared open world adventure game. You share a world with a few other ships/players. And these players range in playstyles, pvp, pve, a combination or a weird variation. You can avoid PvP to a certain degree, but there isnt a guarantee that you wont be spotted and pursued/attacked.   So yeah.... Sea of Thieves... Don't have a REAL PVE set up...Not sure that will work out! You clearly don't know what you're talking about, but its okay, you wont be effected. When it does, I'm sure you will be here complaining like everyone else. Good Luck with that, these Devs, just want your money. They have ours now and I can tell you, I paid a crap load, so that me, my hubby, my daughter, my brother and three nephews could play PVE together. Not every account was purchased on sale. I only came on heer to see if there was a shred of hope left for this game, but there isn't so I wont be playing it anymore, which is a shame.

    I agree. Pretty dumb of someone to suggest Sea of Thieves. Even the name suggests it is not a PvE game, although I've never played it.

    There are BTW, plenty of ways to still play this game PvE. I'm playing on a nice unofficial server with a 5 x 5 map, all the power stones, just like official. Fun group of people. If you don't like playing on someone else's server (essentially you are doing that when you play on the official servers too), then you could always rent your own. Split the cost with your friends. It shouldn't cost you more than about $5 each a month. Not sure of the total cost, I think G-Portal is about $11 a month.

    • Like 1

  9. 13 minutes ago, Percieval said:

    What are you gonna try out? Nothing changed in 3 months only a clean server because it costs too much money. 

    Some of you guys should really take a long break from the game like I did. You are just as salty as when I was reading these forums about four months ago. Really, not trying to be mean, but I think a good month or two break from here would help you a lot. I too was getting saltier and saltier, a break was very nice.

    As someone else said, the "New Map" is probably just the current one with many less grids, as the number they have now in no way matches the number of players on the official maps. Surprising they haven't done this sooner. Of course to reduce it, they would have to move many of the islands into the grids that are left.

    At the same time, someone who is not currently playing the game and has a bit of optimism left, and not all hope sucked dry, might hope that a few new grids will be added. Possibly some from a few of the great modders out there that have created content for this game. Also a few other small changes thrown in there to make PvE and PvP work on a single map.

    But to be honest, when I say try it out, I mean most likely on a private server that incorporates some of the changes. I stopped playing on the official servers over a year ago.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1

  10. On 6/12/2020 at 10:57 AM, Merder said:

    I was really into this game for while and played for probably around 900 hours.  After it seemed like the developers lost interest I stopped playing.  The game was stale and had too many unresolved issues.  I decided not to invest any more time in a game that seemed like it would never be finished.

    But I have to admit, Atlas was my favorite among all of the multiplayer "survival" games I ever played.  Ark is ok, but I'm just not into dinosaurs.  Dark and Light was great.  It came from the same "mold" as Ark and Atlas but it was all but abandoned too.  One of the things I loved about Atlas was the vast open world.  No other survival game that I know of is even trying to replicate that.  (Last Oasis is trying, but their "world" is just a bunch of identical copies of three main maps.)  I think the big thing I loved about Atlas was the fact that there were lots of different things for players to do.  You could have fun building bases, building ships, taming animals, hunting treasure, or just adventuring on the high seas.  The huge world meant that there were tons of places to explore.

    With a great deal of sadness I always wonder, "What happened to this game?"  It was so popular when it came out and the developers inexplicably abandoned it.  I know that some work is still ongoing, but I wish we would hear some real news.  Some small part of me hopes that they've been toiling away in secret on the game and one day, out of the blue a gigantic overhaul patch is going to come out, addressing most of the shortcomings of the game.

    Until then I'll just keep hoping.

    I also have been playing Last Oasis. That game also has a long way to go. I just stopped playing it when the ARK Crystal Isles was released as a DLC. That will probably keep my interest until the New Map just announced for Atlas comes out. I will probably be back to Atlas at that point to try it out.

  11. 3 hours ago, The D Legacy said:

    why tho? if you are trying to refloat a sinking boat and the same people aboard doesnt let you do it wouldnt you move on to a better place?

    I would. From someone who works in the software biz (I test software), I know that if there are 20 people working on a project like Atlas, maybe 2 of them are making all the important design and scheduling decisions. The rest are just working on stuff assigned to them. The typical dev doesn't make any of the decisions that most people here are so upset about. It is irrational to take this out on them. 

    I am also worried this ship is sinking, but I'm not going to boycott some other game just because one of the former Atlas devs now works there.

    • Like 1

  12. On 3/19/2020 at 1:21 PM, lolman2079 said:

    Hi there,

    i have a issue with our private server. We increased the PerLevelStats for Health but now a player can't skill above 300 Health. Is there a cap or something?

    As a user, I've seen quite a few unofficial servers where you can't level beyond 300. So that must be a cap, but I know you can increase it. On another server I hit the health cap at about 1200 health and it won't level up beyond that.

  13. 4 hours ago, PeglegTheAngry said:


    Because the reality is, no one is going to have your back soon. VERY soon.


    Pretty scary stuff. I think the lesson from that video is that that is what happens when a country's health care system becomes so overwhelmed, that it can't respond effectively. We all need to do our part and practice social distancing so we don't end up like the people in the video. Very sad what is happening in Italy. I think that country is one of the worst if not the worst affected by this.

    I personally am working at home. I'm washing my hands a lot. I hope everyone does their part and by working together we can get through this.

    • Like 1

  14. 3 hours ago, Solon said:

    yea well i gave that a shot, still feels very wrong to just give myself everything, it defeats the purpose of working hard to progress, even if its done to replace that you are being fucked out of CONSTANTLY.

    But now, when i collect treasure maps i dont get a fucking thing.  Im glad I didnt spend more than $5 on this garbage, I can chalk that up to experience.  Great concept, Great game play, HORRENDOUSLY STUPID BUGS plaguing the game that NOBODY seems inclined to do anything about and now I hear the main game developer has bailed too?

    I would have a very difficult time recommending ANY game produced by this company to any of my friends and word of mouth is how they would get 99% of their user base. 

    This game is dead on arrival.


    Sorry to hear your experience with the game has not been good.

    I don't play single player, so really can't comment on it much. I've read a few posts like yours where people have had a bad experience with it. Others say it is great. Don't really know what to think of that. The one comment I have, is if your PC is not about 4x as good as the minimum system requirements shown on the Steam page for Atlas, this can have  a huge affect on your experience of the game. Consider that when you play single player your PC is hosting both the server and client for the game, but when you play online, it is just running the client. That is where I play (online) with a really good PC and the game is very playable and fun like that. I also use mods that improve certain aspects of the game that I find lacking or annoying. I'm guessing how I play the game is very different than how you have been playing it.

    I would recommend the game, but only for certain types of game play. The game is very configurable and has like six different modes of play. Pretty safe to say, the experience of each player is pretty unique for how and where they play.

  15. I'm working from home today. I get about the same amount of work done at home as at work. Just got setup recently, but I've worked at home years ago, so understand how to do it and have a good setup for the most part. Biggest problems I've encountered so far come from our tiny IT department (small company) not having everything setup too well.

  16. 5 hours ago, Solon said:

    i would not have any idea how to do that and the fact that this game keeps screwing me over after all the hard work i  put in makes it very difficult for me to give it any time what so ever. I would never recommend a game like this to anyone, the heartache of constantly losing EVERYTHING is not worth the pain.

    also, how do i cheat back a male and female tiger that took me 5 hours to capture and the bear that was also lost ?

    Yup, you can replace tames too. Basic how to here:


    A lot of wiki pages have a Cheat Codes section. It tells you the command to cheat in something. I've done this more in ARK than in Atlas. Honestly don't play single player and it happens but not that often in the online version of the game.

    Also there is at least one guide, puts everything you need in one spot:


    Google is your friend here.

    There is also a command to force tame in ARK, pretty sure that same command works in Atlas. Most stuff works the same in Atlas as it does in ARK, you I often Google how to do it in ARK if I can't find it in Atlas.

  17. Right, what Doc said. You pretty much lost everything, so no big deal to just suicide and spawn in at a freeport and make a new sloop and if you want, sail to where you were stranded and pickup the few items you left there. I have never actually had what you are describing happen to me, I just won't play on servers where an admin allows what you are seeing happen.

    • Like 1

  18. You do know you can cheat back in all the stuff to make another galleon, right?

    Sounds like you are using vanilla settings in single player no mods.

    Atlas has pulled shit like this on me too. So instead of just quitting, since I do like the game except for when stuff like what happened to you occurs. I just make myself a simple rule. Any stuff that Atlas cheated me out of, I can replace with the cheat commands. I don't do it for just anything, just stuff lost to bugs. That includes game crashes.

    I did this when I played single player. Currently I play on unofficials. There I just don't join any servers that either will replace stuff lost to bugs or have so high of rates that it doesn't take all that long to replace sfuff. Also I just don't make galleons, I prefer the Schooner or Brigitine. Takes less time and with the modded servers I play on, they are plenty good enough for even making nearly an entire base. I do use mods. Mods can remove all of the unpleasant aspects of the game that you might not like. Number one for me is the food system. Number too is how crappy the ships are for a game all about ships. I only sail modded ships.

  19. Took me getting killed a few times while riding a bear to realize that they can actually hit you when you are on the bear if they get too close. If they hit you a few times it kills you, so you don't even need to get knocked off the bear to get killed. If you use a bear, keep just close enough to hit them, but not so close they can hit you. If you do it just right, they won't even hit the bear.

  20. Well I also work in Kirkland. I know that game development is exactly one of those jobs you can telecommute to, so I don't think these devs will miss much work.

    Washington state is now limiting all gatherings to 50 or less people. I think restaurants are going to be closed starting Monday. Who knows what will happen next.

  21. On 3/14/2020 at 6:50 PM, Eeveeoms97 said:

    Do you have a map location for this spawn?

    According to this map:


    I've been to the island shown in C6, it looks exactly like the power stone cave he went to. Look for that lagoon on that island, maybe it is there (I've never tried to do it).

  22. On 3/11/2020 at 7:03 AM, Breakwell said:

    Lost 100 npcs last night with a silo full of gold. Can anyone explain? Do these devs give a shit Bc I’ve about had it w this bugged BS grapeshot you owe me some npcs. Then I’ll spend hours getting them up an elevator in the water again 

    "Getting them up an elevator in the water again" - what does this mean? I have never used an elevator of any sort for NPCs.

    Ya, I agree with acemac, you need both gold and food, just like in the ship. Although in the ship, it is food (berries mostly) in the larder and gold in the ship resources box.

  23. On 3/10/2020 at 2:17 PM, Sushi VII said:

    Well in that sense then I agree with you. Keep them buffed as they are but Id say the warrior spawning alone after the others are killed will feel better overall, like an addition to depth of achievement.

    Seems like an improvement but I wonder what would happen to the noob that thinks the fight is done and starts digging only to be attacked by the warrior 😀

    • Haha 1

  24. 6 hours ago, theworstpirate said:

    I hope the big issues get taken care of soon. I am getting tired of blindly running into game ending bugs which either make me start over or contemplate just uninstalling.

    -First time around was me getting use to the controls, layout, and just messing around. I built a ramshackle and set out to figure out the sailing controls and do a little exploring. That's when I ran into the ladder bug. Couldn't climb into the boat, got eaten by a shark. Didn't have a bed, as I was just starting out,.So that was a waste, but a learning experience about the fast travel system and all that.

    - Second time was me figuring put how to climb mountains and all that. Accidentally fell to my death, but no big deal as I hadn't gone anywhere from my spawn point. I go to get my dropped items and it seems as my body is in a crevasse. Shimmy my way down to get my stuff, and lo and behold I get stuck and cant move. It seems like it is registering me as falling so I can't move, regardless of the fact my body is going literally nowhere. Logging out and back in just puts me back in the Bermuda Triangle of rock formations, have to create a new explorer and start fresh.

    -Third time is similar to the last one. My boat was sunk and I tried getting to a near by island. Didn't quite make it and it sunk right on the shallow waters. That's alright, because I can just make a bed and fast travel back. Except some how during the sinking process I turn into goo and melt through the deck and get stuck between the sea floor and my now sunken ship, and yet I'm not drowning so I cant respawn. Same thing as before logging out and back in just puts me back as the live hood ornament of a sunk ship.

    - This last time happened just today. Build my own ship and was exploring around with a few NPCs on the sails and as back up just in case. Ive got my tamed War Pig on board and my first mate monkey Captain Winky on my shoulder. Somehow I am cooking from the inside from the heat, while sailing on the Ocean and plenty of water barrels on board. Going under the deck does nothing, despite the fact all our food is down there and its not having any issues with the heat. So i try putting on my diving suit and go underwater to hopefully cool down and not get ripped to shreds by sharks.That doesnt work either, because apparently the heat is being sucked into my suit and turned it into an oven. Only choice is to take my chances with the sharks. Well you can guess how that went. When i went to respawn, it put me back on one of the islands and not my ship which has a bad for this reason. Look at the map to fast travel and its gone. Nothing on the map, restart and still not there. This one got me to just sit for about 10 minutes in silence in utter disbelief and a fair amount of despair on the notion of having to start over for the third time.

    I have gone looking to see if similar things have happened to others each time one of these happened. I know this is in alpha and things are still being worked on, but most of these things I have come across have been going on for over a year. Ive seen posts about disappearing ships from late 2018 and the ladder thing seems to have always been around. Ever since Black Flag lots of people have been wanting this exact game and probably longer really. Sea of Thieves is fine and fun to play with buddies. I think the graphics are great and I havent had many issues with bugs, but at least for me, it gets repetitive. Cosmetic only upgrades, not much difference in quests, max crew of four, etc. dont put it over the top for me. This game, for me, has almost everything you could want from a open world pirate game. Off the top of my head I cant think of what else I would want added. For NPCs to be able to spawn into your buildings in Single Player and at least be able to create you own little town would be great, but I am perfectly fine without that as well. That being said, I agree with someones comment before along the lines of if these major issues are not a priority and are not going to be addressed, then just scrap the thing. I know this stuff takes a lot of work, but Im sure most players would rather have the game freezing/crashing, ship disappearing, ghost ladder issues dealt with rather than hard caps, stat tweeks, spawn rates and things like that. If you arent going to address those, then stop dangling the carrot of big updates/fixes,getting peoples hopes up, and taking peoples money and just shut it down.

    Sorry for the long post, I really am the worst pirate...

    Your experience is not so different from many first time players of Atlas. The game has a very steep learning curve. Most of the things you encountered are easy to avoid. I always make sure I have a bed made first thing and place it on my first ship. Never ever not make that bed as soon as possible. You don't know that of course until you learn it the hard way. Atlas is a bit cruel that way. Also as soon as possible, you make a climbing tool, like a grappling hook. That hook can get you out of the crevice and also back on your boat if the ladder fails to work. The ladder seems to fail when you park in shallow water, but not the most shallow the ship will go in. Just a certain depth messes it up. I don't actually see these as major issues once you learn how to deal with them, but they do seem that way to a new player.

    The game is meant to be hard core, and many like that. I don't personally so to make it not hard core I play with mods and on boosted unofficial servers. That is one option for those that don't like how hard core the game is with vanilla settings.

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