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Everything posted by Mr.McLaggerson

  1. Me and my friend try to get stuff off the bottom of the sea from wrecks. But we cant never do that bc of all the sharks spawning in and aggro range same with Jellyfish their range is ehh but why do they even attack? There is no defense when underwater i have all the swimming abilities and Diving suit perks but still you cant swim down fast or out run them. Please decrease the Sharks Spawning rate by like 60% in a quick update we are at a spot of a recent battle and there are 12 Wrecks and we cant Salvage bc of the Sharks!!
  2. How do i take an Enemy NPC's ?? I was sailing along and i see 5 ship wrecks in the middle of nowhere n lvl 20 NPC's? How do i take them n become mine????
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