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Posts posted by Kanwulf

  1. 2 minutes ago, misakisawn said:

    oh i legit thought that was a thing lmao. I have more footage i need to chop but at this point its like what for. obvious hacking. they have a melee speedhack too swinging tools fast as hell. yeah i mean im surprised how well it runs right now. i get like 40-60 fps on mainland and like 70-100 out in the waters and this is on overpopulated servers and havent been optimized yet. would love to see this game make it to the end game but with these hacks and the company being a chinese company themselves, its hard to keep my hopes up for the survival of this game. I see where they were going with the idea of the game but I feel like they expected huge companies and most companies probably have around 10 people. not to mention all the people that like to duo.

    I never thought it was a thing but when you said that I wondered if maybe it is, that would be a pretty good upgrade to put on your weapons   hahaha

    might as well post up the videos just to help other people see what they are getting into, I didn't know how the guys could follow my all speed leveled up character through the forest, into the river and underwater in the dark for weeks in Ark then found out about the hacks these clowns were using, they happened to be Chinese then but don't believe for a second that it's just the Chinese who run these hacks, found out the ones for Ark cost around $30 a month, the game was $19.99 and they were paying $30 a month for the privilege of cheating. 😕

    Naive me thought Battle eye was suppose to prevent this but the cheats find a way around it I guess and the Devs don't seem to care enough to put something in place to either prevent it or punish people for using them.  

  2. 11 minutes ago, misakisawn said:

    what does a speed loader have to do with the fact that they are all naked in tundra zone not taking any damage? if u watch the vid i make it to the top. there are 3 with no climbing tools and there is no way to climb that mountain on foot.... this game is fun but these hacks are just going to sink this game into the ground. not to mention that the only people getting the full expierience of the game are either mega tribes or streamers that have 20+ people in their group

    it was sarcasm bro, cannons don't reload and shoot nearly that fast 😉     are there speed loaders?? never looked into that tree   lol

    I agree completely that the hacks will sink the game -pun intended-  I dealt with the ESP, aim bots and countless other cheats and hacks in Ark from day one, 4 years later they are still being used everyday in that game and being used in this game in the first few days.

    I'll deal with the general laggy buggy crap that comes along with EA games, been there done that and it doesn't bother me a bit but I won't play another game that lets people blatantly run around cheating like this, they don't even try to be subtle about it but as the shit with TEA has proven these Devs won't do anything.

    on a side note, I don't think groups of 20 will be nearly big enough to stand your ground in here over the next month or so

  3. Was there a speed loader on that cannon? from the speed of the shots coming when you were below I expected to see several of them up there.

    Talono you are correct, I hoped these guys would have had something in place to prevent the cheating bullshit in here after how much experience they had seeing it in Ark but have already seen several examples of ESP and aim bots being used in Atlas. It would sure be nice if they put any effort at all into stopping this crap in their games but if history is any guide they won't do shit even when shamed into addressing obvious cheating.

  4. 1 hour ago, archaegeo said:

    Yes, i do agree there are still too many of them, but thats what EA is for is fine tuning....

    That being said, most people going out and getting sunk by them are doing it to themselves....

    They either:

    1) go out solo on a sloop or higher - You need at least 1 person on wheel and 1 person per mast (NPC or crew).  If you dont have that you cant react fast enough to avoid them if thats your call

    2) go out without cannons and #1 - Cant fight, but you arent prepared to run, using normal sails vice speed sails that let you get away.

    3) dont understand how to run with the wind, determined to get to where they are going regardless of the threat.

    Crews going out with enough people are escaping the ghost ships easily (though again, there are too many).  Crews going out with cannons are sinking the greens.

    And when the 3 Ghost ships rolled into our Bay last night killing everything anchored there and everything in the ship yards that were being built , Had it coming right?

    Fact is the patch to "fix" these from last night didn't do it. I wasn't out on the Ocean before the patch but if this spawn rate is 60% lower there wouldn't have been room for a large ship to fit between the Ghosts. The most I counted on the screen at once was 9 and maybe that's cool for your ubershipofslaying but I don't think many people would agree with you.

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  5. I know you won't like hearing this but this is an MMO not a single player game and it will be balanced around groups of people working together and that is a big part of what is being tested now, the Devs have no clue what their idea of a game actually is until a bunch of people start doing things to work around every system they thought would be perfect, I understand that some people prefer to play alone, I do it at times and have done it in many different types of games to varying success. 

    Ark was doable although not easily but you couldn't get the most out of the game playing alone. From what I see with the skill systems, this game simply won't be so easy to do everything you may want to do.

  6. wow man that sounds deep, stupid but deep   lol

    It's a Video Game... actually a 5 day old video game in early development and testing stages.

    first world problems of an entitled generation I guess, just please don't stroke out, that would be a horrible reason to go.

  7. it's just cosmetic right now, the entire system will be rolled out but I wouldn't expect it soon.

    Just look forward to a server full of wrinkled up old people crapping themselves to death from vitamin deficiencies in the next week or so.

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  8. 1 hour ago, shaunobrow said:

    Honestly, this game just needs player progress wiped clean. 

    Yeah sure they fixed some of the dupe stuff, but whats there is now there, and the mongolian horde has plenty of supplies to fuel its endless conquer of virtual booty 😛 

    so 4 days in they wipe everyone and everything, 4 days from that they find other bugs/glitches/exploits, wipe everyone and everything and so on?


    • Sad 1

  9. 11 minutes ago, Bonedancer said:

    Is this the same fucking moron that quoted the guy above claiming this game was developed by EA and saying, "Well said" LOL Yeah, your merit just got shit down the sewer. 

    When you're losing  the narrative start calling people names, never really a good strat but you do you.

    As far as what he said about EA maybe in your haste to be witty on some gaming forums you misread, he said no such thing about EA games developing this game, he used EA as an abbreviation for early access as pretty much everyone else has been do.

    Might be time to step away and take a couple of breaths if you are getting this worked up.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 6 minutes ago, reyfor11 said:

    It will help everyone having issues with their broken home servers not being able to log in for hours or days.

    all we need is being able to change homeworld from browser, theres no reason to not having that option.

    since we already are allowed to change whenever we can in game, let us on server browser too so everyone can play.

    while you fix the server issues we could change homes, since theres always a dead server.

    This x 100

  11. 6 minutes ago, Robert Tyburne said:

    If some of the forum topics and global chat in game, as well as my own experience over the past 10-15 hours, there are a number of features that are in need of balancing or need more thought put towards them. These are my thoughts on a few topics.


    Food & Vitamin Systems:

    Both of these are probably the biggest obstacles for players to overcome. Both starting out and attempting to survive out beyond the starting Freeports.

    Hunger - The amount of food that the avatar needs to consume in order to not starve is tuned to high, and the Freeports would easily see all flora & fauna easily wiped out if it weren't for the high spawn rates. High spawn rate can stay since these are supposed to be where players start and are going to see high rates of harvesting. A player should not need to consume entire fields of berries or consume entire pigs just to survive for a day. Food should fill faster, with hunger not falling nearly as fast as it does. Cold weather further exacerbates this (burning more calories to stay warm), further punishing the player for not carrying around several stacks of food.

    Vitamins - This particular system has seemingly been nothing but frustration for players, based again on what the various communication channels have to say. It started with a great idea, to push the player towards eating a balanced diet. Vitamin deficiency issues however, like hunger, are far too harsh. The reverse of vitamin overdose is also true. I mentioned this in a previous thread, but the vitamin system minigame would serve better as a way of providing bonuses to the player instead of being yet another way to kill the player.




    Trying to hunt or fight off creatures is a pretty painful experience given how jerky the movements are for wildlife. I don't know if this is due to bad animations or poor server resource management (more on that later), but this needs to be addressed since the gameplay loop for many players is going to involve fighting something. I don't know what combat is like against players since I've been playing on the NA PvE server, but I can't imagine it to be any cleaner than fighting the NPC's. Was absolutely a chore to fight a "Giant Bee" on another island in a Lawless Region since it was so small and had a poor animation/movement path, leaving little other recourse other than legging it. Larger creatures aren't much better with their goofy pathing when they're coming after you. Was absolutely messed up by a level 2 tiger because it was continually phasing in and out of existence and lunging silly distances because of how the terrain was sloped in small ways.



    World Ambience & Gameplay:

    This could very well sink the servers since it was a seeming challenge to get them where they are now. Freeports have the sounds already, so let's see some of it happening. Also would like to see NPC ships running around trading, conducting piracy, and patrols. Even EVE Online, which this game is being compared to, has four giant NPC empires that provide a network for players to push off from. Currently we're not really playing a Pirate game so much as post-cataclysmic survival game If I understood the lore correctly. Players being the content I totally get and appreciate. But the playerbase is in this position of being quashed before it can really get going due to a variety of bugs and balance issues with no support network to help, forcing players to start nearly at square one.

    As it is now, the official servers are harsh, unforgiving places where the game world must rely on the patience of players in order to be realized. A big ask in an Early Access title that's had a rocky start.



    Server/Region Travel:

    I've moved from one region to another and experienced going from dead of night to clear sky in the middle of the day. Syncing up the time might feel like it's low on the list of priorities, but when a survival game has warmth affect the player's hunger, and then vitamins by extension, it becomes really problematic when a journey that started at dawn is suddenly now at dusk because of the region server time differences.



    Server Management:

    I don't personally know a lot about server farms or game server management. Little bit with a paper slot server on Arma 3, but that's a whole different beast.

    It's a really cool idea to have 40,000 players able to inhabit the same map by connecting servers together. Claim territory, build settlements, sail the seas in search of treasure and adventure. Very romantic. It'll take awhile for hubs to become a thing in the game, as not even Jita 4-4 was built in a day. And therein lies the problem, we're not going to see huge towns or cities that are bustling with trade or activity due to the server capacities being capped where they are. Nor do I see huge fleet engagements being a thing without some serious optimization done to ensure both server and client machines are operating smoothly. As it stands, the playerbase should be expecting small settlements scattered around the world and not huge populations if the server capacity remains as it is.




    Those are my thoughts thus far. I'll likely add to this post as time goes on, or as issues get addressed.

    I hope people will notice that it is indeed possible to make constructive posts, I doubt it but I do hope. 😉

    I agree with you on the vitamin issue,  I think you hit it with more detail in your previous post on the subject , Maybe you can link it for the people who don't just open a thread and respond with TLDR.

    I'm hoping many of the other issues will be corrected with more stability, the combat atm is pretty sketchy vs wildlife and much worse vs players that have previously perfected the art of bunny hopping in other games, again I think a lot of this is due to the current condition of a 4 day old Alpha test but I'm also hoping that later in game it is more action based melee than say Arks click click I hope something dies style but perhaps that is already in here with some of the sword fighting skills and the like.

    My understanding is there will be the type of NPCs you mentioned and they just aren't here yet, have bigger fish to fry with just making the servers stop crashing before they bring in too much of the other assets, I guess we shall find out what they came up with along those lines and tell them what they did wrong when the time is right. LOL

    9/10 thread  would read again!

  12. 1 minute ago, Nox said:

    There is some really - really weird stuff at the bottom of the well in the newbie area.


    Damn you, as soon as I can get back in the game I have to go to a noob area and jump down a frakin well now.....

    which well   LOL

  13. 10 hours ago, Timelog said:

    They'll need to kill you first. If a player is in it's claim area someone else can't take over the area. Currently it seems iron weapons do minimal damage to wooden structures as well, so it'll take a long time for a group of people to steal territory if it's properly defended.

    Actually there is already a bug/exploit that a single player can bust through a stone structure in a couple of minutes.

    No I will not share what it is on the forums, I'm sure too many people already know about it...

  14. 22 minutes ago, Robert Tyburne said:

    Which is unfortunate, since this speaks to a poor design.

    The vitamin system would be better served as providing bonuses for the player. I totally get the "balanced diet" approach to add to the survival experience, and the design goal may very well have been to add a layer of complexity for farmers and what they choose to produce on their islands with their groups to ensure everyone is properly fed.

    Vitamin A for instance, if the player is able to balance it, could get a bonus to ranged attacks since Vitamin A is linked to vision health. Vitamin B perhaps could make the player's stamina pool deplete slower when active.

    Food could use a look overall. Food seems to spoil pretty quickly, but there could be some kind of preservation mechanics (making jerky) further down the skill tree. I know hardtack is in there. Hunger needs some tweaking, as it feels like the player is having to eat a rather absurd number of calories to stay alive, even for an active lifestyle that players are emulating at the start. A 19th century fur trapper in North America would eat around 12k calories a day, and the sheer amount of food that players put away in 24 hours looks to rival that. 

    Hydration I don't have much critique on. Likely a larger issue in Tropic and Desert regions, which I haven't been to yet.

    I would like to see something more like this than the current system, I get that these Devs really really like poop but common guys, poop yourself to death because you didn't eat enough fish? ya ya I know it's called a poop deck but I don't think that is the reason.  Getting Boosts for keeping balanced and maybe debuffs for deficiencies sounds like a much better system.

    I haven't made it into all of the skill trees but based on how things worked in Ark there should be systems for preserving meat and perhaps in the cooking skills there are ways to balance out vitamins through recipes without having to over eat 2 types of berries meat and fish until you get the over eating sickness, again cooking is another skill set I haven't looked into yet.

    I do hope after they get a few more pressing issues under control that they will watch for good suggestions on the forums such as Roberts for this subject.  Yes I'm looking at you Jat!!!

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