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Everything posted by diffedge

  1. Three major problems: Core islands basically easy mode Outer islands are hard core but no benefit except having the big guilds on the easy islands come down and blow up ships while everyone is asleep. And probably the biggest problem at the moment is Company size is way to big The pop cap for a company should be about 5 with 4 alliances possible. That way a max of 500 people could be in one alliance. That is plenty huge but also it will be a lot of work to keep those 5 from splitting off and infighting. I am also disappointed the devs made a bunch of islands in the middle have no need for trade. They basically have every resource and the people on the fringes are barely surviving because they have to travel just to get sap, crystal, salt or gems. The big corps got the good land and merged all up before most of us got out of respawn watery hell. I like the game concept so far but really the devs need to step up and actually do some long term planning.
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