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Everything posted by fallka

  1. So the chinese stole our land and now we cant get it back... There needs to be a chinese server or somewhere where they cant be malicious on PVE servers towards honest players. They have been sinking our ships and stealing our land.. happened in ark so i guess it will keep happening in atlas.. anyone else feel the same way??
  2. So people are using the ships of the damned to troll others and lure to our shipyards and the ships of the damned are blowing up our docked ships. In ark they made it so you cant lure please fix this its very irritating and just another trolly thing that wastes our time. Adding super ships that make sloops pointless is okay just dont make us have to spend hours farming resources just to lose our schooners and other ships.
  3. dude we lost our shit on our island because it rolled straight up to us
  4. Hard work at screwing us all over deserves a smoke and then time for bed for Jat after he worked so hard screwing us nevermind we lost everything we worked so hard for
  5. Roll us back before this disgrace of a patch give us x2 resources for the time you made us lose and make a public apology on twitter about the amount of damage you did to the few people who stayed on the game after every step backwards you take. I just watched a video of some guy having his base be attacked on an island...
  6. we lost everything we had due to this patch its basically a spit in our face
  7. same happen to us homie the worst part is we have no respawns to replenish the time and tools and our good ship..
  8. it would be fine if our ship didnt have all our tools and all of our metal we just spent 20 hours obtaining it also would be fine if we could come back to be able to farm to replenish but no.... skipped dinner and just screwed us instead
  9. they should take us to dinner before they fuck us
  10. YEAH us too they should at least take us to dinner before they fuck us
  11. A NOTE TO THE DEVs So you add a bunch of dangerous shit in the game and immediately as we log in our boat is sunk from NOT 1 NOT 2 BUT 3 SHIPS OF THE DAMNED. now i like the concept of this however the moment we get back from an update we deserve to lose a full 25 HOURS OF OUR TIME!!! just so we can come back to our base to find that you DID NOT FIX THE SPAWNS so not only did you add a bunch of hard shit but NO WAY TO FIX THE DAMAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIX YOUR SHIT;.
  12. No resources re-spawning on any islands the game is now unplayable and we are unable to progress. Also people can still claim other peoples territory. Resources neeeeeeeeeeed to be fixed
  13. I believed in this game at launch because i believed ark was truly the best game ive ever played. i believed in it so much i spent 150$ on copies for my friends so we could all go pirating together. However since ive hit the seas ive been haunted by many things but by far the worst is the people claiming your land when you are out in the ocean. whats worse is when you come back to defend your land on A PVE SERVER!!! is your bed is all of a sudden blacked out and cannot be used... then your other tribemate moves the boat and you still cant spawn even though your out of all claimed land... I havent written a bad review or intend to on this game because i truly believe in it but i desperately desperately desperately desperately desperately need you developers to fix the claiming land as it is toxic and impossible to play with others. This is a great game and i am aware its in beta but please at least make it playable.
  14. Looking for members to join my crew already have a group of 4 or 5 players and looking for more! Lets start Atlas off with a good start!
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