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Posts posted by uaf

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jean Lafitte said:


    I don't and I never played ARK.  If you want to bitch about how bad it is, it'll be bad. If you want to actually put in the effort, you can collect taxes too.

    Ignore the past, it will never happen again - said nobody ever. That's the exact mentality that led to everybody doing 30% taxation. I wonder if you had the option to go to 99% how many would do that with your mentality.


    3 minutes ago, Vaenix said:

    Pillar Spam does not equal Land Claims / Taxation.  Lawless has pillar spam and if left on it's own they would be barren islands.  Land claims prevent building in some areas protecting resources(while you may not agree with it, that is in fact a use).  Taxation is just not built out enough in all honesty. 

    Claiming something is a problem killing the game every single week doesn't actually make it a problem

    Spamming pillars in ARK was protecting resources as well (remember the pillars around all the iron nodes? or huge areas around bases to keep resource spawns). Pillars also prevented people from building, just like claims are. The only difference is that you also get 30% from your "pillared" area, getting the incentive to pillar more than you need just to never need to farm again and still be able to build a galleon a day 🙂 .


  2. "Go around the map to get to a 2k treasure map > end up on an island that has 30% taxation > have 3 members in the party digging the map > all 3 are taxed ~700 gold > owner gets 2100 gold just for being in the area"

    Yes.. I wonder how it diminishes the game.. 

    Right now we have people claiming land regardless if they need it or not, just to set 30% and wait for others to farm with NOTHING to justify the income. They pay no upkeep for the massive flag spam on the map. This is the problem, 30% tax encourages flag spamming and griefing. (we had our neighbour sink our ships <galleon, brig and schooner> in an attempt to make us to quit the game so they can get more land).


    If you do not see the problem with taxation, then you must have enjoyed the pillar spam in ARK. There is an issue with taxation, the huge number of posts show this. Lets not hide behind the "if you don't like it just leave" and let's actually help improve the game so it's enjoyable by everyone.

  3. Alot of other solutions were proposed for this claiming system to be more efficient / less griefing (since now large companies grow larger and inactive players lose terrain).

    One of the proposed solutions (which I liked very much as well), was to have a "tax" of gold for each flag your company has over above a certain limit (say 1-3 flags to allow persons to start their journey without worrying to pay tax and focus on farming / building). So basically everything over 3 flags that a company has, would require 1-x gold to maintain before it becomes claimable again. For example a company that has 10 flags, would pay tax for 7 of them, each costing 10 gold / day so 70 gold / day. This would make companies go for the treasures and be willing to trade rather then stockpile resources. Also, this can scale up with more flags = more tax / day. So only the most active companies will keep alot of land and be incentive to trade the stuff that people harvest on their land (which they tax with the bank) to others in order to make money to maintain the flags.

  4. 3 hours ago, Tikar said:

    Description of Atlas on steam: " ATLAS: The ultimate survival MMO of unprecedented scale"

    For those who dont know, MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online


    Captains log 19 states:

    "This means we’re going to be changing core systems to ensure that those who ... play in small groups or as solo players are still able to experience the highs seas of ATLAS.

    I cant believe that wildcard studio, who delivered two of the most epic games of all time, ARK and Atlas, wants to change core mechanics of an MMO of unprecedented scale so that SOLO players can experience the lategame. This is absolutely absurd.

    Multiplayer games are not ment to be played by solo players, period! Just make some goddamn singleplayer game for these people, but dont ruin an epic MMO. Do not follow the retail WoW path!

    Are you mentally challenged ? Or just trolling ? (can't tell these days if somebody is braindead or he is actually trying to troll)

    MMO = does not mean 100000 man tribes/ companies. MMO = lots of player in the same area / region / map / content. 

    MMO does not mean you have 1000 man tribes, it does not mean you don't have tribes, it means it allows for a large number of players to be in the same area.

    MMO = TERA, WOW, Black desert, etc etc. Lots of games allow a large number of players, IT DOES NOT MEAN they are ment to play in the same tribe or large tribes!

    Playing as a solo player DOES NOT MEAN you are isolated from the MMO world. You can trade / fight / build / etc as a 1 man or a small group. Learn the difference and stop trolling. Nobody is forcing you to play solo or in small tribes.


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  5. And lets not forget the kiting SOTDs issue.. 

    At least I don't have to park by ships with the back to a wall / gate so they can't glitch the emergency ladder anymore.

    Waiting for offline raid protection and it should be good on PVE. And maybe they will eventually make it so that anchored ships are immune to weight overencumberment so no other griefing mechanic will work on those ships and everybody will leave happily ever after.

  6. Not sure why nobody from Grapeshot is giving any inputs on this or reassurance, however the issues plaguing PVE are still there.

    Ships are still being sunk on PVE by grievers by the simple fact they CAN extend any ladder on any ship (and the emergency ladder you can't get rid of, so even if you destroy all your ladders they can still extend the emergency ladder) and weight glitch the boat to sink.

    We have found a way to park our boats with the back to a gate/wall so they can't reach even the emergency ladder, but now they are kiting SOTDs on the ships.

    There has to be an urgent patch to FIX the ladders so ONLY company members can extend them.

    There needs to be a FIX for the anchored ships getting sunk in front of base by weight glitching them. A simple "don't allow ship to move while encumbered" change to keep this griefing from happening until a proper fix / change is in place is needed ASAP

    There needs to be offline raid protection on PVE as it was in ARK. You have 15 minutes of no protection after you log off. You have offline protection for as long as you are offline and if too much time passes, buildings / tames / flags need to decay / be allowed to be demolished as it was in ARK.


    These measures were effective on ARK. Why didn't we learn anything from that?

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  7. I love how braindead some people are. In tundra you have low resources of almost everything and you DIE by just standing outside sometimes.

    If you live in Tundra, you want to trade with what ? We have a few iron nodes that everybody in temperate has TONS of, we have berries? anybody even wants berries ? Fiber you can gather in temperate by thousands rather than go in the north to get.. 10x less cotton?

    Everything in the north is harder, and it's not because some of us chose to go there, it's because it was the only place where it wasn't claimed 100%.

    We already go across the map to gather saps so we can get fur armors which are a mandatory thing in the north if you don't want to die every 5 minutes.

    The sap + iron requirement to stone building is WRONG, stop defending this crap decision and let's all freaking start to make the game better and not a grindfest to make a 3x3 house.

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  8. Can't build that big of a structure to protect it 😞 It would take alot more resources..

    Yes, we took some screenshot that we plan on handing over to support once the website is functional.

    We know they were chinese because they were also speaking via ingame voice to eachother. Their boats are all with [][][] names and some of them are named "Pathfinder [][]"

    It's annoying that in PVE you have to deal with people killing your tames and sinking your ships (now they are trying to get an alpha to agro on our pen.. )

  9. Some sh*t chinese players are sinking our galleon on EU PVE as we speak. There is nothing we can do about it..

    They are grappling the galleon while overencumbered.. 

    ONE FKING SIMPLE SOLUTION from devs to NOT be able to sink boats that are anchored would have gone a long way, but no.. more shit ideas that solve nothing.

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  10. They also need to nerf all the animals so they gather less or same as you would gather with a pick/hatchet to make taming animals more appealing.

    And also increase taming time to 24-48hrs to be more realistic.

    And also they need to only balance this game based on 500/500 companies experience. Since 99.9% of players play in 500/500 companies.

    Also, raise crafting costs of small planks to 5000 Fiber, 1000 Metal, 7500 Wood and 7500 Thatch because I see too many sloops getting build, people need to start using dingy more as main means of transport.

    Also, make flags claims permanent, no sense in giving new players false hope that there is a land somewhere they can settle.

    And last but not least, they need to tripple the amount of vitamins and some foods are only found in different corners of the map, and you run out of vitamins every 10 minutes and death will not replenish vitamins.

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  11. You must be mentally challenged or something.

    Nobody in PVE wanted this, quite the opposite, to make taming more appealing, since now it's kinda useless. 

    And keeping people off boats in PVE? are you serious ? in PVE you can't shoot somebody that is overweighting your boat, you can only stand there and watch them do it. 

    There needs to be CORRECT fixes in place, not this crap of making everything harder or adding more bugs into the game (floating above ships).

    @devs need to ADD OFFLINE PROTECTION! Add ability for anchored ships to NOT sink when overweight (make them so they cannot move), make people NOT move while over encumbered. Give us something to fight against alphas (fire arrows were the solution until you nerf them into the ground), etc.

    Read the damn feedback you are getting on all communication channels !!!!!11``!!!!!

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  12. How is getting 700 gold from a 2100 gold from doing nothing but being in the area of a treasure hunt a good thing?

    I don't mind taxing the resources on the land, because they are farming something you might want to farm as well (considering you didn't claim a whole fking island). But taxing treasure finds ? really ? I risk life and limb, armors, fire arrows, dodging SOTDs, etc to go on the other side of the map so somebody else can just take 30% gold while doing nothing ?

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  13. The PVE clam stealing should be fixed ASAP. We don't even dare leaving main base without at least 1 person sleeping inside the base because of the crap trollers that try to steal the claim with the whole base on it. On PVE this is horrible to even think of. Somebody being able to steal all you worked for in 30 mins.


    Also, as another bug, on the island where we are, resources are no longer spawning (trees, rocks, etc). This started happening about 2 days ago. It was fine until then. We now have a large island with no trees on it that won't even respawn. There are 10 people on this island playing (more or less) that might keep the area rendered, so this should be fixed by NOT ALLOWING online chars to prevent resource spawning.

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