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Posts posted by Evir

  1. On 5/20/2019 at 12:39 AM, Martyn said:

    Don't use unofficials because:

    A = Admins

    B = 50000x taming speed

    C = Mods (game changers not annoying admins)

    Agreed, almost all admins are corrupt, if you beat the owners group, you get banned or the server is wiped, it is terrible. 
    "My server doesn't do that" Nonsense you haven't wiped the owners base and taken over a server.

    The sad fact is that most unofficial servers are filled with inexperienced players that can't cut it on the official servers, sure there are people that need unofficial servers because of time constraints in their real life and they are really good players, but the  vast majority of unofficial server players are just bad at the game and when an official server player comes on those servers, that knows the tricks and ways to be efficient they accuse them of "hacking" or some other nonsense and whine to the admins until the official player is banned.

    It is the same on Ark, Dark and Light, and Atlas, as well as other games in the genera. Unofficials are just not fun at all for good players with enough time to play the game consistently.

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  2. 41 minutes ago, pigaz said:

    Sounds like your crying about crabs and bp gear is you just being mad that you cant get it, crabs are not op at all they are easy to kill. BP gear and ships just make the game more bearable and something to look forwards to, if you cant deal with these things take your lolly pillow and go play in a pve server like the fairy cake you are. And the XP exploits i agree they should have never put them in and should be punishing the people who abused them severely to set an example right now anyone can cheat and nothing is done about it.

    I honestly do not think you read what I said and just skimmed it. It is common, I do not blame you but that is what you did. Because they already nerfed the % gain on the blueprints after this post went up. That is what they should have done in the first place. 
    50-60% better gear, good, not too far out of reach for most people to overcome and gives people an advantage and a reason to strive for it, 300-500% Absurd.

  3. 8 hours ago, Vorxius said:

    Is it too early to say EARLY RELEASE?   They're playing with game mechanics, already said they're implementing this to see how well received it is.  People fundamentally need to realise that we're all 'testing' atlas, after having paid a nominal sum of money for the pleasure.

    Let the devs play with ideas, and lets play with those ideas and provide feedback.  Some people don't deserve to be part of the family because quite frankly they're here to ruin the experience for others, but for the mainstream, we're here to help perfect a pirate game we all subscribed a little bit of our free time to try out.  

    Yeah I know I'm back to the early release cliche, but, it is what it is.  These posts provide good feedback, but no need to be abrasive  :classic_huh:

    I think the GS team, by now have thick skin.... bit like the tips of my guitar fingers lol.


    I already covered this in the OP, I edited it the day of, well before your post.

    On 5/17/2019 at 6:05 PM, Evir said:

    for those that will say "that is what testing is for". No, it is trivially obvious that these things shouldn't be in the game, you just have to think for a moment and consider how they will be used. No testing required.


  4. 10 hours ago, Captain Jack Shadow said:

    I am not against something like a Crab being OP, but it has to be done right.  WWIIOL had tanks, and in the beginning, they were insanely powerful.  Not because the tank itself was too powerful, but because the rest of the game was not ready for it.  Little to no cover or concealment on terrain that was as flat as a golf course.  So you would get shot by them, as infantry, from distances where you could not even see them.  The howling from the community was intense, and it never stopped.  Not until tanks were nerfed into near uselessness.  Sadly, all that was needed, was for the rest of the game to catch up.  It eventually did, but the howling didn't stop.  The Devs had been beaten into submission, and so they never stopped with the tank nerfing.  Meanwhile, infantry can run with loaded bazookas...a huge no-no in real life, as the round was not locked, and already armed, so just falling on the ground would cause it to explode and kill you.  Where as killing a tank, using infantry, was hard, and exhilarating in the beginning, it became way too easy in the end.  The answer the Devs always gave was to work with the infantry...get them to protect you from other infantry...except that they would not, except for the occasional, rare person who would...for a short while.

    The answer here, is not to make Crabs nerfed, it is to alter the game, and Crabs, such that they make sense.  For instance, Crabs should have to be kept in the water, and only venture out for short periods.  They should start to lose some health and abilities, if out of the water for too long.  How long?  I don't have a good answer for that.  Additionally, they should be impervious to small arms fire..arrows, pistols, carbines, etc (except the eyes)..but very susceptible to Cannons, and Ballistas.  Tigers, and Bears, etc., should be useless against them, as they shouldn't be able to do anything to their shell.  But cracking that shell should be very harmful to them.  The jumping should be toned way way down.  They should be quite the nemesis of Submarines.    They should be able to traverse rough terrain fairly easy, but trees, regular large trees, should provide a natural barrier to them.  Smaller trees, should not.  Full grown palm trees and up, should not topple over to them.

    I agree, the game was not ready, that is what I was talking about with Knock on effects and them not considering them. They have a "cool" idea, then implement it, but no way to deal with the idea. There should be an "anti-crab" defense but as it stands now, a handful of them can completely wreck the enemy and are too much of a force multiplier. Like your example said, they are like having a tank against infantry that have no real way to counter them.

    It is going to be bad when they introduce torpedoes, go look at a game like World Of Warships Torpedoes everywhere and people are able to dodge them, be cause they have engines that allow them to be propelled in different directions to be able to dodge the torpedoes, even weave their way through torpedoes, but you are going to have sail power vs torpedoes in this game, low wind or wind going against you, you are boned and unable to dodge them. What a colossal joke this game is becoming. 

    I am just waiting for them to go full on nonsense and introduce Ironclads with steam engines that run on coal, as well as flying ships. Then have no real way to counter them, and have the "haves" completely obliterate the "have-nots". Like they do with most of these things they introduce.

    2 hours ago, Nutcutt3r said:

    Maybe they know what they are doing and you dont, lol

    If they or you have some magical insight as to what they are doing, please do share with everyone. They are trying to make a bad version of Ark, it wouldn't surprise me if they introduced a tame soon that made all ships worthless, like a massive whale mount that has more carry weight than a galleon and can go deep underwater as well as be able to carry 10+ players.

  5. The lack of forethought that these developers have is amazing. After the dragon fiasco you would think that introducing an extremely powerful creature that isnt that hard to tame for decent sized groups would be a red flag, but no, they introduced a tame that completely imbalances the game yet again for the people that have access to them. Sure they can be killed, with a huge amount of effort with tigers or sniping the rider from an elevated position, but the force multiplier that the crabs bring seems to be WAY too much. Are they going to fix it? probably not, maybe slight nerfs but the problem will still be there.
    Lets move onto putting NPCs behind walls so where they are protected but can still shoot out? What could possibly go wrong there? Why is it so hard to stop these nonsense things? You have the same engine that runs ARK, how about transferring some code over to prevent all these wall exploits?

    The guillotine, why did you not even consider people exploiting the XP gains? You allow people to get to absurd levels, to be far and away ahead of the competition, and you didn't even consider, maybe someone will use this to get over level 130 in a short amount of time? Then you allow absurd % bonuses to gear using blueprints, then on top of that, the absurd intelligence bonuses.

    Instead of the "this would be cool to add to the game" then adding it to the game. How about you  hire someone to be like, yea that would be a bad idea, and here is why. 
    Dragons, the only flying mount in the game and air superiority being the thing that decides most battles? bad idea
    Crabs? bad idea
    Massive repetitive XP gains? bad idea
    torpedoes in a game with SAIL POWER!? Bad idea (probably wont even matter at this point with ship hulls getting 500% more health due to the other exploits galleons will probably just eat 30-40 before it even breaks a plank)
    having weapons and armor that are so far beyond the baseline that it makes you unkillable and able to kill someone else in one shot to people in even blue gear? BAD IDEA

    Please stop and think about how bad of an idea things are to release into a live environment.

    Edit: for those that will say "that is what testing is for". No, it is trivially obvious that these things shouldn't be in the game, you just have to think for a moment and consider how they will be used. No testing required.

    • Like 3

  6. 1 hour ago, Daish said:

    smaller companies can merge

    Nice joke, getting people to merge on an NA server is like asking them to kill a puppy. Everyone wants their small friend group to be their own thing, they want nothing to do with anything larger than a 5-10 man group, all of them want to control large swaths of land but refuse to actually be in a group large enough to defend it, then complain when someone larger than them decides that they want to take the land.

  7. Interlocking fields of fire with tons of mortars, having mortar rounds drop on someones head over and over from multiple different angles, even if they hit your own building that they are using for cover, deletes players. then just kill the mounts, if they are firing the cannons accurately, they are stopped, then just have multiple people fire mortar rounds at the stopped target. They also work wonders on ships, no ship wants to stay in range of mortars, like ever, I have seen 2 mortars completely destroy brigs and galleons in a few shots because the guy behind the the wheel, got killed in the first shots and then the ship was just pummeled.  Cannons are OK, for NPCs but mortars with players on them using K and mouse wheeling out, is the way to go.

    Mortars are the kings of defense. Outside of that get some flame turrets on the back of horses (pointing backwards), they take care of people quick. Use tigers to counter their mounts also, one swipe and 10% of their health is gone.

  8. 2 hours ago, Enki Anunnaki said:

    all those who will leave because of the steampunk changes will leave when black sails comes out anyways. there is no avoiding that fact. no need to cater for those who will abandon the project anyways. 

    It is a similar situation to WoW just on a much shorter time scale. All the people that liked  the concept in the beginning left due to the direction the game was going. Now all that is left are the ever dwindling audience that will end up playing a dead game, wondering where everyone went. Most of them are small group or solo players anyway that do not care about anything large scale or fun for larger groups. They also are primarily PVE players that are in most people's eyes, irrelevant.

  9. 1 hour ago, Enki Anunnaki said:

    indeed. im just not good at being attacked with faul and undeserved labels by internet warriors that think they're smart when they're not. 

    I think the purpose of the op was if he should come back. Id say yes, its a hella amount of fun, and things seem to be going in the right direction. torpedos are most likely only gonna be against underwater craft/tames/buildings.. hopefully not against other boats and such. but, we will have an idea where things are going in the live stream that airs today.

    you are clearly in the minority of the players that actually like the changes, most people that have played this game, have quit due to various reasons, but there are people that time to time check in on the game and see what direction it is taking to see if the game is worth coming back to. All this nonsense that you are excited about and want to happen, will not bring them back, in fact, it has the opposite effect, it keeps them away, and they also tell their friends the game is not worth trying. Balance issues are the problem. You can talk all day about how cool flying ships are, or how great torpedoes will be.  However, most players will look at them as easily exploited nonsense that should not be in the game due to balance reasons.

    Almost everyone that played this game at some point played ARK, they saw how the Quetz as an example ruined the game experience for most people with the platform saddles and carry weight that they had. It completely imbalanced the game for a very long time allowing people to farm absurd amounts of materials, very quickly and the people that were new to the game coming in, had no hope of catching up at that point. That isnt even considering the offensive capabilities that it introduced with the "invulnerable box" and putting weapons on them. When the TEK tier came out, it got even worse with all the stuff that you could do when that came out.

    Things that seem like cool ideas, can seriously impact the game balance and turn it on its head. Leaving people that liked the game balance as it was, having to adapt to the new aspects of the game that they may not like at all in the first place, most of them quit because they do not like the changes, leaving niche players like yourself to lavish praise on the developers for catering to players like you, while alienating everyone else that played it. Leaving you with an empty game that you can be the kings of.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Enki Anunnaki said:

    See, first, way to use a the word sycophant incorrectly: a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

    as i am neither babbling on or kissing ass for advantage as no one here important enough for me to do so, it brings me to think you are also one who doesn't know what they're talking about and perhaps just use elaborate words to make yourself feel smart to those who don't actually know of what you speak of.

    Second, i just described what the game was marketed as to me when i bought it before it was released. Just because you don't want the game to develop the way it was intended doesn't mean it was marketed to you incorrectly. it is a pirate game. it is a fantasy game. get ready for some fantasy.  


    a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

    Fits you perfectly. IDK how I used it incorrectly.

  11. 1 minute ago, Enki Anunnaki said:

    before the game was launched EA there was a lore page on the site that talked about the islands being droplets from a mega continent in the sky.. and that the soldiers of the damned are cursed sky people or what not. i want the lore to come true and make some fantasy.. right now there's almost no fantasy..  how do you have a sky continentnant and all the super fantasy stuff without flying ships and everything that comes with a sky people. cmon guys... there needs to be sky wars.

    you can babble on about the lore like the rest of the sycophants for this game but the game was marketed as a pirate game with some fantasy elements, not what it has become and is becoming in the future.

    • Like 1

  12. 5 minutes ago, Enki Anunnaki said:

    i honestly wouldn't mind  tbh. as long as it isnt fucking dinos. i love fantasy.

    exactly. it really is getting better every day. i'm beginning to think that the majority of people that post here are like realist and don't even know what they're talking about except from reading other posts from people just like them or watching youtube videos. its hilarious for how pathetic they are but wow... its toxic to bringing new players when they hear about a game and most of the info they get is from people that dont even know what they're talking about.

    The game itself is toxic, it only caters to a niche audience that was like, we want steam punk but not too much steam punk, just enough to throw off the balance of the game, we also want fantasy where we fight mythical creatures,, but not too much fantasy, so it is all optional, and we want pirates but not really pirates. 

    • Like 1

  13. Torpedoes. REALLY? 
    I decided to check in on the game, see if they had improved the core game mechanics, and I see a picture of a torpedo and a description of torpedoes being able to be attached to gun ports and launched into the water? WOW it is almost like the devs want to kill the game, what is next Ironclads with steam engines that obsolete every ship in the game currently?

    26 torpedo broadsides from galleons. GG WP....

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  14. 2 hours ago, Willard said:

    And how is this "enabling" weight exploit? Why would you load tames just to provide a little bonus resources? Do u think people will start loading elephants on the deck so they have 25% weight reduction on wood? It´s 1 more crew AND u risk losing it if someone attacks you.

    They did it before on galleons, they would put them at the back of the ship under the top deck, and wall them in. Carrying a ton of extra wood.

  15. 2 hours ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Maybe you should stop with the ad hominem attacks and stick to presenting your case. I think all the time, but it’s not up to me to make your case for you in advance.  Your insult implies that I should already have known everything you just explained,yet it didn’t take you a few short words to convey the problem as you perceive it, rather you had to write a detailed description of why you think it will be problematic. If it is not so obvious on its face, then let us dispense with the notion that I should already have known exactly what you meant, and call it what it was, going out of your way to attack me personally. Assuming someone else should already see a non obvious thing the way you do suggests it’s not the other party that is exhibiting arrogance.


    What a pathetic attempt to save face. You instantly attack people all the time now you are acting like you are hurt. Laughable. "oh woe is me, I am being attacked with ad hominems!"

  16. 9 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Following this line of reasoning to its logical end the developers should never introduce anything new to the game that could potentially be used to interact with others in new ways because they will inevitably be used to grief. You might as well just say they should never introduce anything new except new dance emotes. Those seem pretty safe.

    *passes Evir the salt.*

    No, submarines should not be in the game unless there is a legitimate way to destroy them under water with defenses, the only thing you can do against submarines right now are passive defenses, such as walls, and because the way many natural harbors are designed in this game, they have giant rocks you cannot build on that make building walls like that very difficult. Those can also cause damage to your ships in rough seas if you do not build them too high, but if they are not built high enough, the sub will go right over them.
    I do not mind them being introduced but I do mind them being introduced before there is a good way to defend against them.

    Maybe you should stop with the arrogance and actually think, I know you have a hard time with it, I have read enough of your posts.

  17. 13 hours ago, Lifedragn said:

    Not having played Dark and Light...

    1) What prevents an Alliance of companies from dropping a new flag once every 12 hours to keep you at a perpetual state of war and thus uncertain about when an attack might happen. 

    2) If only one war dec at a time with cooldown, what stops a friendly company from always ensuring the open window will be at a beneficial time for the defender and a detrimental time for potential attackers?

    Nothing really, however, they actually had to throw the flag and have it land within the area where the shield was. In DnL you could put up so many turrets that it would be difficult to do with a naked or a guy that just runs up. I looted many warflags from people trying it. 

    but the system is rather flawed in that regard all they have to do is soak the damage and get to the point where you could throw the flag on a building. But The issue normally isnt the main buildings with griefers, it is them destroying your ships in the harbor with ease. That alone causes the most people to quit.

  18. 10 minutes ago, kampfer91 said:

    Just ally with small companies and form a group to take on big guy . Alone you have no chance .

    That really doesnt work, you are limited by the number of companies you can have in your alliance, those big guys, have their alliances also with other big guys and if a server tile becomes too problematic, they will overload the server with people, causing it to lag absurdly, and crash over and over, while they keep pouring people in to attack. Once they have claimed a spot on the island, they set it to company and ally build, build bases and start shuttling in resources to to break open every building with cannons kill any sleepers, then claim every inch of the islands on the server. I have been on both sides of these types of attacks in a mega and in a small.

  19. The issue with PVE is that there are people that want to PVP, but they do not want to PVP too much, so they go to PVE, get bored because PVE is a complete joke with no real threats. And they come up with ways to entertain themselves, they are doing the "naughty thing" by griefing people. Because it is really the only way to PVP on those servers.

  20. Is it me or did the devs see the population dip hard, then finally change the easily adjustable numbers that the community have been begging for for over a month, and finally change them?

    Lets not get it confused, nearly every change they made, was database changes that they could have done at literally any time by changing the number value. There were a few more complex issues, but I do not think they were that more complex.

    I guess the population dropping a ton is the only way to get sweeping changes to make the game more bearable for the normal player. I mean I played nearly every day for almost 3 months many hours a night and things were tedious and annoying to do. I could empathize with the people that only had 2-3 hours a night, basically getting nothing done when all they had to do was change a few number values and activate things that were on at one point, but turned off. Such as the Elephant weight change for wood.

    Patch notes, I got a DM asking me where to find the patch notes....: 


  21. 20 minutes ago, Mike L said:

    Wow, so you add more stuff to a schooner and get lower on weight, how would you manage that?

    Ohh you said mediums, that would be less weight but only less by enough to get your boat hit several times by those 3 large cannons.

    Also large cannons on the back will have a further range since you would be sailing into them trying to chase it, you try that corner strat they will just turn and fire. 

    Anyways wasn't trying to completely derail your post here, was just stating that large cannons still have range as an advantage. 

    Because medium ship cannons weigh less than large cannons, and large cannonballs way far more than medium cannonballs.

    How is this hard to understand, it is simple math. medium cannonballs weigh 3kg, large weigh 10, medium cannons weigh 100kg, large weigh 140kg

    3 large cannons weigh 420kg, 4 medium cannons weigh 400kg

    200 medium cannons weigh 600kg, 100 large cannonballs weigh 1000kg and you have a much higher damage potential with the 200 medium cannonballs. (you can insert whatever number of cannonballs for each you want) You still have the issue if you reduce the number of cannonballs on both that you can carry 2.33 more medium cannon balls more than large cannon balls.

    You can get away with more if you put them in gunports and sail right up next to the ship, but that limits you quite a bit.

    You can dodge max range large cannon balls win a schooner just watch for the fire, cut sails and turn, it isnt that big of a deal, you act like everything happens in a vaccuum.
    Range is not a huge deal, especially on rough seas, you will miss most of your shots, as you bob up and down you tend to over or under shoot at long range.

    I just do not see the point in the 3 large cannon schooners outside of farming SotD and scouting, they tend to do little more than annoy people, I have yet to see any of them sink a ship that is ready to fight them, I have seen them gank parked ships, bad captains that just eat the cannon shots and do not have planks to replace them, and unarmed ships, but never a ship with a competent captain.
    I have never sank to one, though I have sank one with a bad captain that didnt control his sails properly, and my large frontal cannons(pre-nerf) took out his small sail and I was easily able to catch him after that.

  22. 55 minutes ago, Mike L said:

    I do agree with you, that schooners outclass Brigantines for most purposes. 

    I dont agree that large cannons are now useless. 

    My main point was you cant catch or shoot at a schooner that does have only a few large cannons on the back, your saying that schooner will never sink anything. 

    Maybe it wont, but you cant really sink it or catch it either. 

    If you sink someone trying this strat then that boat needed a different captain. 

    I would only count sinking their boat as winning though. 

    Its literally a you can run but you cant hide situation if this schooner that only has 3 cannons is chasing you, and watching where you go. 

    I deffinately see your point with schooners vs brigantines, you say my point that large cannon have twice the range is invalid and that they cant be used at that range. They can be used at this range. They dont have to one shot ya, just run you out of planks. 



    Most competent PVPers carry 20-30 or so planks on brigs and if they have gun ports, several of those also. they basically can replace their entire ship, It weighs much less than the base repair materials. 20 planks is 320 weight. 
    The SOP for schooners is 15 planks.

    It will take quite a while to run them out of planks, with just 3 large cannons. This is why almost all ship vs ship PVP in atlas is inconclusive. I have seen ships lose half their planks in a fight, replace them, then keep going, then get back to their port.

    The way to actually sink ships is to blow off a ton of panels at in a short amount of time, force the crew to react to that, instead of continuing the fight, That was why those galleons with 16 large cannon broad sides with blue print cannons that do 130-160% damage would destroy basic ships. Doing 3.5k- 4k damage per cannonball, 16 times would delete multiple planks at a time. Now you are looking at blueprint medium cannons pushing 1800-2k damage per shot firing nearly twice as fast with ships being faster, (current large 160% large cannons do 2800 damage per shot)  due to the lack of need of metal to repair gun ports, and canon balls being less than 1/3 of the weight.

    If you really want to insist on this 3 cannon schooner being more powerful, you can make a schooner with 4 medium cannons, up front, then stay just to the left or right of the "3 large cannons schooner" out of its firing arc and be faster, and do more damage, and have the ability to hit him over and over, while he cant hit you. You can even have a flame swivel, get close enough and burn their sails, and still be faster than they are.

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