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About Zerbe

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  1. I logged on this morning to walk down to my bay and find a ghost ship shelling our anchored ships in the harbor. No one had attacked the ship yet, but it started firing on our ships destroying 1 of my companies ships and 2-3 of one of our allies.
  2. Yep my company has a boat and a few people stuck in L5 and as a leader in the company sadly it halted all progress for a handful of us for the night. I understand though it is Christmas and you might not be set up for remote restarts yet. I hope every thing will be working fine when we get on tomorrow.
  3. Nope it is a major problem for the vast majority of players and steamers. I have been to entire server tiles that have no metal nodes to speak of. I understand the idea of scarcity and trading but this is rediculous my company has been to a dozen Islands and only found 1 island with metal and it is a lawless starter zones. I as a play tester am saying there needs to be more metal. It doesn’t even have to be every island but at least one island a tile should have metal.
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