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Posts posted by Vainesy

  1. 5 minutes ago, SpeedInc said:

    because i know what Ark is and I know what the mechanics of it are and how they will cross over to this game... there will be a very small learning curve from that game to here.. so i didn't want to see any spoilers and any oh by the ways... after being frustrated i then took to my normal streamers and found what they ran into and how they avoided issues... and they have said if they were part of the early early access, so as to escape the areas effected.

    i get what you mean then. ill leave it at that im not on here to argue with people about the game everyone has a right to there opinion.
    I hope if you are planning to stick with the game you get what you want out of it. 
     back and forward banter wont get us anywhere at this point.

    I hope you have a good christmas and the launch didnt cause you that much stress 🙂

    Im not here to make enemies over an early access game i just want people to play with!

    • Like 1

  2. 1 minute ago, SpeedInc said:

    Let me help you out since you seem to me be missing the point..... I never seen any hype for this game... i did see a trailer that was leaked for the last DLC for ARK that was quickly removed... Planned or not it was done..... I thought to my self, "self i seen what they just did there and im on board with what they are cooking up if they continue with the life lessons learned". That was not the case...

    This is like buying a bicycle. Early Access to me is having a NEW bike and trying to get from point A to point B, how ever there is a flat tire... DAMN that sucks....
    BUT we were given a bike with no damn tires or rims for that matter.  My screen says verson 5.2 to be released in the notes yet my patch says 5.3 and I can not log in.. not because the server is still stuck at 0 of 150... its because the server is no longer listed. its a blank square like the other 60% or so of the map... so miss optimist show me the light... tell me how to enjoy early access to a server based game that i can not log into.... shoe me the good time that will come when its a polished *gulp, game and single player will be added (as it is now) and we can enjoy sending people off the plank....

    But you had the chance to see all the other people trying to ride there bike with no wheels and you still thought hey that might work? why would you not research a game before you buy it if you know nothing about it other than a trailer. why would see you an early access title and think oh ive seen the trailer lets not wait to see if there are any videos on it or any gameplay?

    im not disagreeing with peoples issues i understand your frustration and im not trying to disregard problems.
    But i played the ark alpha and i got d&L on day one and apart from server issues i cant see anything we haven't seen before with a Wildcard Alpha release

    Also in terms of you not seeing hype. This game has blown up on twitch like 4 times this week after there delays it did draw alot of attention.

    Although i do understand  where your coming from with that i myself only stumbled across the project by accident while on the arks forums

  3. end of the day if you dont plan on sticking this game out and seeing where it goes then why not just leave get your refunds and move onto the next early access title cos i bet when you look at the steam list you have a few and when they never live up to the hype they gather dust. just seems like a waste of energy. go enjoy your christmas instead

    If your sitting there speed typing your 200 page report on m and my white knighting save it. just close your browser and go play some ark 🙂 

    Merry christmas 🎄

    • Like 1

  4. i love how you can have an opinion that is justfied but the moment someone says something against what you have to say were defending or white knighting.

    there are plenty of other early access survival games you can go bitch about if you want too.

    bottom line is you rushed into buying a hyped up game and now your mad it didnt live up to the hype.

    Other than the server issues every problem youve had with *safe zones* or dying were present in dark and light and are still present in ark even after full release.

    • Like 1

  5. 10 minutes ago, SpeedInc said:

    Steam does not dictate what Early Access is... I have ARK for PS4 early access and it was by far better... Yes it had errors and problems but it was a better polished turd....


    The mix up in the industry now a days has been Alpha and Beta have been put to the way side for a term called Early Access where there is no level of expectation except the one we give and then we could re-neg even on that. That is what gets purchasers blood boiling.

    Lol ark was no longer in early access when it was released on console it came out of early access on August 29th same week of the ps4 release 


    Also steam litrally tells you dont buy an early access title unless you want to play it in its current state

    Theres a whole section on steam about early access development and nit rushing to buy from early access developers 




    • Like 1

  6. 3 minutes ago, Cybinja said:

    I agree, hosting it isnt very viable with costs associated to get a map of any scale worth playing. Great idea on the crowd sourcing! hopefully there are enough players in the OC/AZ area interested! I bet the lag is super bad for you guys down there.

    I'm  going to have a scaled down map for sure, no way i can afford to pay for the whole thing.
    Ill probs have a 150 slot world or something like that and run 4 - 8 islands.
    Theres a map editor to work on overall area of servers coming out or something

  7. Wanting feedback on OC aussie/NZ players who are keen to put together a server with me.
    Once were able too get things going i wanna see how many in our community are OC and who will be keen to play this will determine how many slots ill get and how long i can keep it running for.

    i have a few servers running in ARK and Gmod and am looking to add atlas to the listing if there is a community for it.
    The only reason i ask is that my servers are crowdfunding based on there player base, and hsoting this game does not seem like its going to be cheap xD

  8. 8 minutes ago, Saltwater said:

    Take a random ip from the ini file. Go to https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/<IPHERE> and replace <IPHERE> in the url with the one you picked randomly from the file.

    It shows marbis GmbH which is Nitrado...Google it...

    Like i said i was going off what a dev said in the discord on launch day

    4 minutes ago, Majic said:

    I'm beginning to suspect the official servers may not be entirely reliable...

    What was your first hint 😉

    • Like 1

  9. Just now, Saltwater said:

    You sure about that? The servers in officialservers.ini are all hosted by Nitrado...

    If thats true then we were lied to by devs on the discord. they said they were hosting themselves.

    Nitrado are decent server hosts so i'd assume the server capacity is whats causing stability at this point.

    There unofficial servers seems to be running smooth

  10. Every game has a group like this though best thing to do is just ignore it and support the game the best we can.

    Its obvs its not perfect (lol) but we will get there anyone who was here for the ark and dark and light launches will understand this too

    • Like 1

  11. 4 hours ago, DocStrangeFruit said:

    I know this is an early access game and I accept that there will be issues and bugs but this game is a pile of garbage.

    The lag and rubber banding is making the game impossible to play, its 1 step forward and six back, you cant craft now due to the lag, combat is a joke as you hit a creature, it show sin jury then its no injured due to the lag and rubber banding.

    The graphics are no better than those of ARK and to be honest the little I have managed to see so far they appear far worse in some aspects.

    The mass amount of players on PvE servers sleeping is a major issue with the lag I feel and I cannot see one god damn reason why the sleeping is required when they are aiming for such a huge amount of players.

    This game might be ok in 1 few years time but at the moment this game is not worth even attempting to play due to the serious gameplay issues.


    Developers should have waited until this pile of shite was a. stable. b. playable instead of caving into player pressure to release it in such a shoddy condition.



    Sounds like you don't understand what early access means.

  12. 1 minute ago, Argy said:

    Normally that would be fine, but from the experience that people are having with the lunch of the game and connection issues of official servers is not OK!
    I would rather want to play an unofficial, non-lag servers at the cost of a couple disconnects. 
    Player dedicated hosted servers will also be better performance for users, period.
    As for the updates, the time and rate that it takes for the devs to release an update and apply it could still be done faster on unofficial servers since they can be updated from SteamCMD.

    I'm not disagreeing with you guys id love to get the files now. i just understand why there not.

    they don't wanna risk opening more cans of worms. although at this point maybe they should give us a go at it.

    Although i think they should just have host renters running there servers too.

  13. Devs have posted they are going to be working on server connections before they give out server files.

    If the connection issues are server based and seeing as there going up a full patch every time they update i don't think they want players and or server renters to have to update there game every 2 seconds.

    (saying this shroud and lirik have been  on a dedicated server since launch and its the only smooth version of the game Ive seen)

    as much as id like server files myself i would rather wait till this is ironed out a tad.

    If you plan on sticking with the game then another day without the server files to fix things wont change anything.

    Atleast you guys from the US have semi good ping I sit at 400-500 on any server right now

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