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Posts posted by bezzy

  1. 32 minutes ago, Evir said:

    1-2 PER SERVER tile is fine, but sailing for 30 minutes we ran into 20+ of them, we can engage them, and sink them but we then have to repair after fighting a couple of them. You cant avoid them if the wind is bad, this is stupid.

    they don't even go per server because if you try and escape through the region border they can follow you.


    Plus, they should just make the really rare no one wants to really fight them yet anyway, or just make them into a quest to fight it instead of having them spawn randomly to delete your ship.

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  2. So, they patched to 7.0 and increased ghost ship spawn rates, I didn't know they had fucked it up this bad to the point where the ship of damned kill my fucking monkey.

    You guys owe me a new level 40 monkey named linda 😤

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Captain Kuro said:

    You do know Early Access is Beta testing right. Key word here being TESTING. That starts from the moment you click play, not just from when you get into the game. Testing their servers to see how they respond under heavy capacity. Testing how it responds to loads of people in once place. The devs will be getting data from this and analysing how they can make it better. If you werent expecting this, then dont by an early access game. 


    The game itself it not broken, the servers are just unable to cope with the high amount of stress of such a huge number of people hitting it all at one time. Think of it like a DDoS attack.


    Also, regarding it "not being a new game". Of course its a new game. Its using the same engine as ARK, yes, but does that make it the same game? No. There is plenty left to explore, new things out there.


    Might as well class all sequels as the same game while we are at it...

    People don't get it.

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  4. Just now, MFPierce said:

    lmao fuck family i'm trying to be a pirate 


    Tbh, that is really true I just want to be a fucking pirate.

    Just now, Michael said:

    What a blunder, Is anyone actually in the official servers at this point?

    no all official servers are dead

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