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Everything posted by ayan4m1

  1. If you are running a custom ServerGrid.json and want to display the map to your users, you might want to try some software I have been working on recently. The tile server hosts the "Slippy Map" images that can be exported from the ServerGridEditor tool. It uses a JS library called tilestrata to accomplish this. The map implementation is a static website built using React and Leaflet - the same map library used for the official world maps. You'll need to use both of these tools together to host the map. You probably need a basic knowledge of web hosting, NodeJS, and server administration to set this project up. Here are the projects, if you are interested in trying them out: https://github.com/ayan4m1/atlas-tile-server https://github.com/ayan4m1/atlas-map I am looking for contributions - documentation, code, and testing/support. Please read the contributor's guide in either of the GitHub projects for more information. I also have a roadmap for each project in their respective README with plans for the future. I will provide what support I can, when I can, but I have a full-time job and family obligations. If you are respectful of my time I will do my best to be respectful of yours. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!
  2. Look in X:\atlas\ShooterGame\Saved\Logs The files ending in .crashstack (sort by date modified) should have info about what was happening when the server shut down.
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