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Posts posted by Stabby

  1. 2 minutes ago, Herasea said:

    Not sure about the friend part, but the other is an idea, earn something to increase claim time. Shows you're active if you're willing to make said item.

    There are many, many islands that have nothing but wood, roots, stone, etc. Nothing special. Perhaps a rare spawn would increase property value. Maybe even have it island hop locations every day. In trading these things would go for a fortune. Not too rare that they're unobtainable tho.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Herasea said:

    because with this type fo game it isn't extreme at all. 

    They cannot appeal to everyone, what about those who want 3 weeks holiday? or away for a month or are away from their computer for serval weeks at a time, what about those people? The problem is when you set a rule for one group of players then you have to do it for everyone else. A universal rule has to be set to make it fair across the board. Also i'm sure non ones taken in account how the a-holes of the community will abuse this (trolls/grefers) 

    imho real life should never dictate how a game should be made.

    Then those who are way for two weeks will complain that's too low, then those who are three weeks away, you get my point?

    Get a friend. This mechanic would encourage guild recruitment. Perhaps there could even be a craftable item that's placed on claims (mastercraft) that will extend it up to two weeks. Make it brutal to craft. The crafting equivalent to Golden Ruins. Trading rare items could make this a fun mechanic as well.

    FYI my job requires that I travel to China, Europe, Australia, etc. Sometimes for up to two months. But I always have advanced notice. I could get guildies or friends to babysit my/our land.

    • Like 2

  3. 43 minutes ago, Jatheish said:

    We're currently evaluating our claim system and seeing what changes we can make to improve it across the board, as it definitely needs work. It's arguable that the 3 day timer may need to be increased now that we no longer allow sleeping bodies to contest claims, but due to the limited amount of land available and how PvE servers work we have to put measures in place to make sure that land cannot be sat on indefinitely. 

    Players can still use Crew (which are to be fed and paid) to contest claims. The sleeping measure we put in place was more so to tackle users who hadn't logged on in days and hadn't planned to but were still contesting their inactive claims because their bodies had not died.


    How about instead of a timer you have a power up? The more you're there the higher it goes. Stay away from it, say for a week, and it loses power and can be contested/taken. This will encourage large guilds to free up some of those unused claims as well. A win for everyone. Maybe even add distance to it as well. The farther it is from your main claim the faster it ticks down in strength. To reset it go stand on it for X amount of time.

  4. 1. All the land was taken.
    2. Those that did get land have to grind out mats 24/7. This gets old. People just want to build.
    3. PvP players are nearly impossible to retain.
    4. Golden Ruins and the Fountain of Youth.
    5. The guild system sucks. Everyone is soloing of in super small groups.
    6. The only combat in this game is ranged. Melee is useless. This turns off a lot of players believe it or not.
    7. No clear objective. 

    These are the things I see around the internet and in discord. Streamers on launch day were their only real chance to make this game explode. Streamers have said it sucks. So it is written, so shall it be. Cause and effect.

    Oh ya and the fact that you need metal and paste from hell to make something the stupid creatures wont destroy or glitch thru. That was a BIG one!

    • Like 4

  5. 1 hour ago, Hodo said:

    It can never be to hard... I know I like it hard... hard as it can get... like steal hard.. I want to be able to break bones with it.... oh wait you are talking about the game... my bad.

    Exactly, they shouldnt have bothered with an official PVE server and just left that to the private servers.  Balanced the game on 2 PVP servers. 


    Ummm no? Gaming studios are finally learning that player retention comes from PVE. So many games are forcing PvP down peoples throats these days (in this genre) that any new MMO with PVE servers are an instant hit. A huge part of Atlas' success will come specifically from the PVE servers.

    My point was that, me personally, if I was to create a game today, I would design the game around class balance of both PvP and PvE. In other words both would get different classes, gear, weapons, etc. So many games make the mistake of ruining the PvE experience in order to balance the PvP experience, or vice versa. You have to have foresight and design with the anticipation of balance issues.

  6. Thanks guys. In the process of contesting a flag. Was pretty sure I'd be 100 by the time it is/was done. If we're getting deleted at a certain age then why continue gameplay? I don't know if I should do anything anymore. Can't harvest, can't build, can't tame, can't claim, etc if it's all coming to an end. I will lose everything. All of my hard work would be gone. I'm hesitant to even play the game now. 

    In the meantime I made a raft and lined it wait storage crates that I can access from the water. I made a couple shipyards, tools, etc and pin coded them so that I'll have access to them in case of reset. So it wouldn't be a complete loss. But with no land available it would still be a complete loss.


  7. Ship of the damned are too smart, too fast and too close together. If our visibility range was unlimited then it would be fine. Adjusting for wind makes these shitty things just a nuisance that needs to be nerfed. Something has to change with them.

    But back to the breeding system, yes the mini game sucks. 

    I have no understanding or comprehension as to why the devs are intentionally making this game so difficult and trying to steer us toward THEIR idea of how we should play Atlas. I want to just go play private server and set all my own rules. But due to the size I cannot. Sucks. Plus I enjoy trading with other players and cooperative gameplay. I can't get that on my own private server. I just don't know that many people.

  8. The best thing about ARK was the breeding system. That and the potential to build anywhere in the world. Well, nearly anywhere. They say they don't want to focus as much on taming in this game but that's what made ARK fun. I think they're making a big mistake there. And all the limitations on building (boats in particular) really take a lot of fun factor out of the game. That saddens me.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Realist said:

    Yeah except you forgot you aren’t in the war zone anymore. This could be a teenager or less that you are telling to knowingly exploit a game which could end up getting them banned as well.

    as far as real world goes, you get two eyes for one eye. Less than that and the lesson won’t be learned.


    Intent on ruining, hindering, destroying and evil are ageless. Intent is intent. Counter it ten fold and teach people that they also can lose. I'm only saying that because noone should be a victim on PVE servers. But if someone insists on being hostile I can treat them the same way. I can use the same methods and some they may not know about to counter their attack. It's simple really, don't let other players get away with stuff like this. Retaliate and hit them HARD so they will learn a lesson in greifing!

    The way I see it these Chinese guilds have more to lose than I do. Hint hint.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Realist said:

    Eye for an eye is pretty stupid though. Just like in school, the kid that hits back always gets in trouble. Don’t get this guy banned because you don’t like what’s going on. That makes you the problem after that 

    The problem is that it's an in game mechanic. If you're capable of doing it, it's intended. That's how I look at things like this. If they wanted it solved they could solve it. Sure, there's no easy fix that will appease everyone, but leaving it in place is the same as saying "it's okay".

    As a soldier of 12 years I am of an offensive mindset. If you mess with me I will get you back ten fold. So I said it correct when I said "eyes for an eye and teeth for a tooth".

  11. 7 hours ago, Implicitlee said:

    lmfao that us such the wrong attitude, lowering yourself to their standards really?

    Eyes for an eye and teeth for a tooth!

    As a simple solution why don't the devs just remove weight limits on ships for the time being? There, fixed until something better comes along.

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