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About Infitalias00

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  1. Noone was doing that yet because the game was bugged and a ton of peoples servers didnt even have resources that respawned like others! In addition was bugged and no floatsam/bottles/treasure maps/gold coins to even hire NPCs if we wanted to. And instant gratification? Pretty sure I played almost 24 hours a day for last 3 days putting the work, didnt sit on my ass with dozens of other people to carry me. And not like its the first time, we've crossed almost the entire map, started over multiple times due to these bugs, we've made tons of ships, half were lost to the bug they had before with ships not crafting. Hope you get to enjoy some karma soon^^
  2. Same thing, and we arent even in a lawless area. Just a regular tile we sailed to and set up a base. Had 2 Schooners, 2 Sloops, were starting work on a galleon, we even had the resource bug on our island and were putting in the work sailing are ship back and forth to another tile island that HAD resources, filling up our cargos with thousands of lbs and sailing back to our base to offload and build. Wake up this morning and ITS ALL GONE from this Ghost shit just coming up to shore and destroying everything. That's not content to me. If you go out sailing and get caught/cant run away, thats one thing/I consider that content/an experience at least. Your shit not even being safe at shore while offline, what is the actual point then? 3 Days of playing all day even scratching it out and enjoying playing despite resource bugs and all else. For it to have been a complete and utter waste of time.
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