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About Nephillia

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  1. I have looked all over the internet and haven't found a solution yet. Everyone either says "enter this text into the server file" (it's already there..) or 'oh i figured it out, did something dumb' (ok but..what?!) I have followed several tutorials and tried 3 different server management tools (Atlas Server Control, Steam CMD, Atlas Server Controller) and every single one errors on server start up in the same way. I have no idea what I'm not doing, I followed the guides to the dot. I have port forwarded, I run Redis before starting the servers. All of it. https://imgur.com/a/9PsrnBQ (image wont post for whatever reason) ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json: { "LocalS3URL": "", "LocalS3AccessKeyId": "", "LocalS3SecretKey": "", "LocalS3BucketName": "", "LocalS3Region": "", "TribeLogConfig": { "MaxRedisEntries": 1000, "BackupMode": "off", "MaxFileHistory": 10, "HttpBackupURL": "", "HttpAPIKey": "", "S3URL": "", "S3AccessKeyId": "", "S3SecretKey": "", "S3BucketName": "", "S3KeyPrefix": "" }, "SharedLogConfig": { "FetchRateSec": 60, "SnapshotCleanupSec": 900, "SnapshotRateSec": 1800, "SnapshotExpirationHours": 48, "BackupMode": "off", "MaxFileHistory": 10, "HttpBackupURL": "", "HttpAPIKey": "", "S3URL": "", "S3AccessKeyId": "", "S3SecretKey": "", "S3BucketName": "", "S3KeyPrefix": "" }, "TravelDataConfig": { "BackupMode": "off", "MaxFileHistory": 10, "HttpBackupURL": "", "HttpAPIKey": "", "S3URL": "", "S3AccessKeyId": "", "S3SecretKey": "", "S3BucketName": "", "S3KeyPrefix": "" }, "DatabaseConnections": [ { "Name": "Default", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "TribeDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "TravelDataDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "TerritoryDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "LogDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" } ] } Matches password in redis.conf
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