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Posts posted by TenKaar

  1. for the second time i have lost a ship because your game DOESNT WORK BY ITS OWN RULES!!!!!!!! The only thing you got right was ship damage and taking damage... your repair skills do not work at all even though i have great repair skills the do not reflect in game at all nor does broken planks clear in time as per skill points dictate they should. nor do crew operate the way the should ss per skills dictate... fix it!!!!

  2. This game needs some serious claim adjustments... there should be land enough for everyone with the amount of islands there are in atlas.. yet there are entire islands locked down by claim towers that have 5 or fewer members and no limits in place as to how many claim towers someone can place.. this needs to be limited and should be limited to how man people are in the company.  as things stand right now the systems in place are crudely unfair and full of toxic people exploiting them.

  3. I usually have a button with a gear with a head in the middle on it in the my character inventory menu just above my stats. I have used the button a number of times and usually after a hour or two of game play it comes back and if I need I press it again to reset my stats and skills. Then early today I went to get some new npcs for my ship and accidentally payed the recruiter npc to reset my skills. Now hours later the button has not come back. has anyone else had this issue? will it come back since I had that accident with the npc?

  4. The time it takes for the game to register that I am turning my ship is beyond slow.. Devs please before your actual launch correct this issue. adjusting sensitivity does not change anything there is actual seconds of delay from getting on helm and turning your ship or adjusting sails before something actually happens.

  5. Space on the PVE server starting areas is finite.. please don't blanket islands in harvesters and leave space for others to set one up their own company or if they are solo.. I have found countless harvesters on islands scattered about the entire island and they are only owned by one or two people... you don't need 4 of every kind of harvester in the game!. If you want to hog and fight for space join the pvp server.

  6. 1. Shorten the radius needed to place one close to others who already have harvesters down. 2 Lower the amount of time they have before they can be demolished.. having to wait weeks for someone to not be in the area to place a harvester is beyond stupid. 3 limit the number of harvesters a person and company can place. It is not fair for one person or company to cover and entire island to them selves in harvesters!.

  7. First and for most..nice Attempt... but needs a lot of work... despite all your NPC crew options they still shoot at everything that floats with in range of your ship wasting tones of ammo. (Before you say anything yes I have tried all the options, passive, aggressive, ships only ect ect ect ect ect) Also they DO NOT REPAIR while idle. I had three crew on my ship not assigned to any station two where on wander and one was not and I took heavy damage and the did nothing to aid repairs and I lost the ship. Thirdly.. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE A DAM MINI GAME!!. I get having a little mini game to speed up loading your black powders firearms but one to bail water out of your ship or just to scoop it out of the ocean????? like come on!! really... UNNECESSARY TO END DEGREE!!  Fourth.. cyclone storms don't have to be chasing you all over the map when they happen.. 5th.. the radius of how close a mine can be to another industry building is a bit ridiculous. Lastly if a player losses their ship it should have a inventor bag or chest that players will have a 20 min chance to recover.. Thank you. I hope you (the developers) take these things and change them I think it would make the game that much better for everyone.

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