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Everything posted by Lazerblade01

  1. So, been playing Blackwood for a couple weeks now, roughly. There's absolutely fish on or around most islands, although any freshwater fish can be difficult to locate, other than on the central Freeport island. Catfish are plentiful there, and other resources seem to be fairly easy to get, especially once you can place a mine for metals. The only resource types we had an issue with were gems (only available on the southern 3 islands), and a few other very specific resources (acerolla, rosemary, rice, maize - found on southern desert island and western central island). No islands except the northern and northeastern, as far as we've discovered, have sea life. Monster whale seems to favor the southern islands, SotD can be found north and southeast of Freeport (and possibly elsewhere), flotsam and shipwrecks are reasonably common, and cyclops are dicks. There's only 2 of us on a private dedicated, so we're just now at the schooner ship level, but food and resources are easily managed. We've lost one sloop thus far to a whale, and lots of tamed bears and ostriches (bears to cyclops), but we also managed to kill a cyclops. Skullclap Island is fairly easy, except for the lions, and since heat seems to be just as much a killer as most aggressive animals, that's where we made our home, since it's apparently easier to stay warm than cool. Lots of sea bass and manta rays for endless fish supplies, and lots of other animals for other meat. Plus garlic grows in the wild. Mods have helped with farming issues, and other than QoL mods like Atlas Plus, we've been fine.
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