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Everything posted by Lazyboy947

  1. Either way I appreciate the info. More insightful info that I've gotten than looking at old posts and guides. Just changing seamless Port to 28000 range seems to have fixed treasure maps. More testing to come to be sure though. I have a few non existent islands or they appear under water to deal with. So maybe those broken islands or something a new json file can fix. Last immediate thing if you have experience with rcon. What program would you recommend? I briefly looked into it and got old or in my mind sketchy info.
  2. Yes both are still an issue, I feel at some point I dont quite recall but the 1 in 3 treasure map make some sense and what then maybe the maps not working means the treasure map doesn't? I have the servergrid folder in shootergame with the cellimg_0-0.jpg named for all grids and mapimg.jpg. the folder was spit out on grid editor export. The ports were a confusing part for me as most guides tell/show what to do but doesn't quite explain the rationale. In my query port I only gave 1 between each ending in 1, 3, 5, etc and my seamless at 27000. Appreciate the information! I will review and make some changes. Thank you.
  3. I recently started hosting a 3x3 server for my friends with some old parts I had around. Currently the server is up and running and mostly playable. So far each person can connect and play except that their maps are not working. After looking for answers online I had them do a workaround by just manually adding the jpgs to their local install location, which works. But a secondary problem came up where treasure maps dont work or even show up after looting. I'm assuming its tied together. I recently re exported the maps and Json file with an adjusted seamless Port which didn't help and the port change stopped transition to another grid. Some have the old blank maps in their local installs and others don't even have the unique ID folder listed. When they initially connected. I'm a bit at a loss and looking for possible insight or assistance as also a island on the map apparently doesn't exist in game. So a few weird things. Any additional info need just let me know
  4. Check your servergrid.serveronly.json file. You maybe missing a redis database tradeDB. If so copy and paste in with the other ones. I had this problem { "Name": "TradeDB", "URL": "", "Port": "6379", "Password": "foobared", },
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