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Everything posted by Oroperion

  1. Good evening! Yesterday, I put forth a request about a company continuously harassing me and griefing me by blocking my schooner in with sloops with offensive names at a freeport on EU PvP. I go to look at the ticket today, and it says that it's been "solved" and that the priority was "low" with no further explanation. Today, I file yet another ticket, and IMMEDIATELY it gets marked "solved" and priority, once again, is "low". Grapeshot, this is pathetic. It's one thing to have in-game bugs that make the game a struggle to play from time to time, but to allow constant harassment, blatantly ignore request tickets, and not taking action to stop this from happening on your official PvP servers is ridiculous. Honestly, the griefing isn't as disappointing as the offensive names these people are naming their sloops. Grapeshot, hire a support team. A real support team. That looks at the tickets.
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