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Everything posted by Whitedirewolf77

  1. The developer need to find a way for new players or players who gets completely wiped that has to start over from beginning to help them out to get back on their feet since their are players that wipe out noobs that start off and players that keeps on rebuilding, but can't get stronger because of raiding and wiping them back to nothing. Lots of players are having troubles because of this and are leaving the game. Players get started, but can't build protection in time to protect themselves since it takes lots of crewmembers and lots of hard materials just to build protection around the base, so it becomes easy for players to raid and make it less fun. Instead we need two factions for pvp like a Royal fleet for npc and players to protect to even joining the Royal fleet to get paid to take down objectives and Pirates. Also players can hire the Royal fleet to protect them up to a week in real time so players have a chance to build and get stronger. If anyone attacks the Royal fleet or certain NPC will get a Bounty on their head. The higher the Bounty, the more Warships Royal Fleet will send after the Bounty Players and gives more for players who join the Royal Fleet to make gold from the Bounty themselves. Also NPC towns/city is needed for questing and buy stuff at the markets from the NPC, not players. If making More NPC towns and cities, make sure players can't build on NPC Islands and will be taxed every hour depending on their ship type. Also crewmembers and animals cannot leave the ship on NPC Islands. I believe that NPC towns should be where new and other players that get wiped to start off to build back up their strength before getting back to the sea. Especially if you give NPC repeatedly quest that gives gold to buy stuff from NPC town shops that sells everything thats basic to ships, weapons, and anything that helps to get back into the game.
  2. I enjoy Atlas a lot, but in PvP players will attack anything with no consequences to their actions, even PvE ships for trading. What I believe is needed is NPC town and Cities of their own Navy fleets to attack aggressive players when breaking rules or hire them to protect you. Also Ships should be given a Choice to make your ships into Trading or warships after you release ship. If it's a trading ship, it's a PvE ship and any players attack it will get bounties on thier heads with their ships name and lose reputation with NPC towns/ cities. Warships are ffa no matter what. Now Freeports are so horrible right now since everyone is using it as a safe haven and abuse the area badly. I see over 20-30 ships parked on one Island of the Freeports, crops being built on half the Islands, droping off a lot of tame animals, blocking Freeports docks from buying crew members, waiting to ambush new players, and a bunch of trade posts. Because of these issues, new players can't start off, lag is so bad, and players are claiming it for their own and forces others to be at a disadvantage of having trouble getting crew members because people camp them to attack beginners and to slow people from getting crewmember or none at all. It's very sad to see players use this as a huge advantage and no balance at all. What I believe that Freeports should be beginners NPC Towns with walls and guard towers so Freeports are FFA to attack, but the catch is that you will be attacked by NPC guards or a Navy fleet with powerful attack and accuracy so players can't overtake NPC town/cites. Also if a PvE trade ship is being attacked in NPC areas, the Navy fleet will protect the trade ship. If both are warships will be both considered as enemies of the navy fleet to sink both ships. Also when entering NPC areas, players need to pay taxes every hour or two when staying in these areas. If you can't pay the taxes, their will lose reputation fast and if not paid in a time limit, you get a bounty and the navy fleet comes after, but give option if you can pay the fee before the Navy fleet sinks your ship. When dealing with Freeports/towns/cities, you cannot build anything in those areas at all and animals cannot be removed from ships when in a NPC area. Also if you do take this idea, the NPC towns/Cities should have lots of quests to do like pirate NPC ships, destroy NPC enemies bases, NPC Pirates boss fights, animal hunting, retrieving items off of mobs, and escorts. When finishing quests, NPC will give you materials, gear, ship equipment and/or gold when completing quests. If Freeports do get charged for the better, add Cities and towns, have players grind for materials to sell for gold to NPC. Also need more NPC to sell equipment, gear, weapons, materials, building/ ship parts, blueprints and treasures maps with no decay. When doing this will keep players occupied with their time as well to do other stuff in the game to enjoy since it can be very boring must of the time and why players attack all player if weak or strong because they are very bored and rather not build a base I believe that we also need two factions of players. If NPC do have a Navy Fleet, you can join them to get great rewards, living on Navy Fleets land for only players to build on and protected by the Navy fleet.
  3. I already lost 4 horses in a row because of this bug. After I bola the horse and on my wolf mount. When the Bola breaks. Being on the side of the horse will glitch it out of the game and gone forever. Please fix this since I don't want to tame the horses to glitch out half way taming.
  4. today I took 14 hour to tame a few animals. Taming can be so bad that it can take up to an hour because the taming goes down so fast. It also has glitch problems as well. Lost so many creatures I tried to tame and had so many problems like something rolls up to kill it that I spent an hour to tame or die by the bola glitch when it disappears from my hand, creatures twisting every 5 -10 and kills me. Getting stuck in bad places where I can't even feed like through the ground. Using 20-30 bolas or more to tame one animal. Feed timer is so slow and got to feed individual doesn't help especially when something attacks or gets in the way to feed in time, causing the bola to time count down and nothing can be down to increase timer, but to wait until it breaks, just to start over. So many problems to deal with just to tame. Its getting so bad that so many people have to build traps to capture animals just to tame because of how bad the taming is. The feed radius is so small, most of the time it can kills you easily. Worst of in all of this,, it can waste your time that you can not ever get back of gameplay that can put you in a very bad position to get your base wiped or to frustrated to play. What needs to be done is to up the taming because its a joke. Feeding radius needs to be bigger. Need rope to extend the timing or have a bola reset the bola timer when throwing a new bola. Fix glitches and have animals not to attack anymore since that gets a lot of people killed (even in Ark they are knocked out and can't attack). What else we need is a Net and a net gun for capturing creatures, fish, and players (if player is caught and has anything sharp can cut free, not creatures). I believe this would solve so many issues its having.
  5. I believe the game needs more to do like having npc city/towns on npc islands that are neutral and can give quests to do in game. Including the beginning Freeports with caves to explore or around the island that is apart of a quest. Having enemies npc like the pirate would be nice in multi-player. Adding more ruins, caves and dungeons wold be nice or raiding a bandit/pirate camps. Also be nice to have a system for players to build up for pvp like having bounties when killing in passive mode or a npc town/city that could have a reputation system to go down to hate. Also adding very huge continents in would be nice for a medieval/Renaissance battles type of scenery like taking over castle people build. We do need more land siege type of artillery like a bartering ram and others. Same with Meele weapons and range weapons like, better bows to build like long bows and composite bows. Still needs so much, but hope you can do your best to find the solution.
  6. I notice this game be very hard to add dlc and be a lot of work. For this to happen and be the best course of action be to move most of the half up on top to the sides like northwest and southwest tropical be to together, stretching it to the west of the map, same with all. Notice the middle doesn't need to be moved by the equatorial and the central tundra/polars above the north of the polars. If done correctly. The bottom half will be black to add more designs and dlc for future gaming. Also when moving these location is a pain, but can be done with cut/paste to a USB port to save to add later. Then start adding huge continents to explore, conquer and create wars on an inward lands. This could also include blackforest to be added to the main map as one. This is going to be difficult if this process is taken into action, but will improve the map and gaming experience. Also adding regular quests to achieve gold or special items to use to new npc that can give quests outside of the Freeports islands for more gameplay experience.
  7. What I believe would be a better skill tree is to remove basic skills like unlocking new skills to new areas of the skill tree. Once removed, add new skills for better character build up for player unique build up to thier style. Then have basic skills and unlocking areas of the tree to be lv base to learn the skills like "lv 2 you unlock construction, lv 3 be cooking, lv 4 hand to hand combat, and the basic skills to build when unlocking them." This will help add more skills to the tree that could better the players character stats and bonuses like more meele damage, range damage, poision/explosion ammo, stamina control, and etc. Also beastmaster basic if attained through lv base, just up the taming, breeding, riding, and sneak to lv 2 when you learning beastmastery basic automatically and up to 5 when maxed out on beastmastery.
  8. Was looking at what could be a better change for levling up stats. For one thing they need to add is strength and dexterity to help with meele/range damage, this will also help raise weight and fortitude bonuses. Then gave weight, fortitude, and oxygen to be lv base stats like "every level will raise 20 weight, 5 fortitude and 1 or .5 to oxygen. What also be nice if this did happen is to move all lv points attributes to the left and lv base stats to the right to make it easier and looks organize.
  9. One of the issue they need to fix is the beginning islands problems like players occupied them for themselves is bs. Hard for new players to play when someone has three ships, 20 mounts and adding trades. So what they need to do is non-crafting on the beginning islands, increase the town size for crafting tables area thats ffa to use including leftover from players to use if players are nice, and 4-6 small shipyards for players to build somewhat better ships to leave the beginning areas with npc to build ship parts for shipyard (sails, sidings, and etc). This will help with new players to start off and have an easier time to play right away. Also fix hungry issues since thats way to high to start off. Also tame pets or crew members can't get off boat when in the Freeport and only have medium to huge ships park a good distance from Freeport to use a row boat to get to shores of the Freeports. Schooners and anything smaller then a Schooner can aboard the shores.
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