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Walter Riley

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Everything posted by Walter Riley

  1. Right, but just a few posts later you say the design choices aren't dumb? Am I missing something?
  2. I might be getting two resources mixed up, forgive me if I am. But find a swamp on the equator islands and you can get it from the more substantial looking Lilly pads
  3. So you trying to say it's perfectly reasonable for a mob made four of fire to be able to go for a swim with no side effects? I'm not going down any realism debates, given the first half of that setence, but you can't seriously tell me that's not dumb
  4. Not at all. I accept the risk and an fully prepared to lose the bear that I take. It's actually the way I get rid of my outdated breeding stock. HOwever, it is possible to accept this risk whilst at the exact same time be annoyed by dumb design choices
  5. Yh but you can't, that's the point. If one sneaks up on you if you're on a bear you might as well say goodbye to the bear
  6. Seriously, who decided it was a good idea to design a mob that has an insane aggro range that never stops chasing you down. Not to mention the fact that a *FIRE* elemental can somehow chase you underwater???? I know the ga islands aren't supposed to be easy but fe are freaking ridiculous
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