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Everything posted by rockyjr4

  1. HI!!Could you make it so week can raid the trade ships for goods and NPC of higher skill levels like we get from the ships of the Damned.Can you make it so we can buy already zoned land plots, That we can build on It is getting hard to find land that we can place a mill on.The price of the land plots should be based on the value of the resources, this should also help with the trade routs And also help stop the land Hoarders that seem to have to have all the land to them selves.The thing that gets frustrating is when you go to place a ship yard you can't because some one has placed a post in the water to stop any one from building there.The other thing that would be nice is for solo players to be able to park a ship at a free port for a fee as long as you pay the mooring fee you can keep your ship there for up to 24 real time hours with out the rapid decay affecting it, and have it so we can pay a daily or weekly fee if we choose, But only have 1 ship per player that can be moored at a time and only at 1 free port.The fee should very depending on the size of the ship. And for the people that are not solo and in a guild if they keep their ships at a free port should have to pay a hourly fee the price depends on the size of their ships. They should also have a time limit of up to 4 real time hours to stay. at a free port if they are offline, Guild players should have to pay a higher price than solo players. Because they work as a team.Also could you make it so the Official server owners have to pay the fees as well at the free ports. I know that these people who own the servers can build stuff there and its not fair that they can do any thing they want and not have the fun of having their ships sunk or decay and getting raided like the rest of us. Ha ha!Could you make more free port areas and have it so only the solo players can buy or rent free port land for a weekly fee.Could you make the free port Islands have a animal shelter for any one to store their animals for a fee as well. Its getting sickening seeing every one storing their animals at the free ports, I think they should have to pay a daily or weekly fee to store them there. Have it so when they store their animals there that they go into a shelter so the no one can see them and if they are unclaimed that they either can be bought from the shelter for a fee and the ones no one wants are just set free.Another thing would be cool is to have a free port motel where a player could rent a room for the night. while being offline,One more thing could you either make it so a solo player can build a sub, it sucks to have to kill the kraken in order do be able to build the sub. If not could you at least make it so the solo players can complete all the missions by them selves. Please and thank you.Not all of us have friends to play with or the head gear the guilds want you to have to play with them.Thanks for your time and thanks for the opportunity to share my Ideas for you game.Take care be safe!Cheers!!
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