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Everything posted by xhanth

  1. well I guess that will be a limited number of people while most people will need a job and sleep. Also its Tier 2 if it was 3 I would understand. I just do not see how one is alive still while the twin to it died and another died in the same time frame.
  2. Can not sleep or have a job if you want to breed. Also had berries I was packed on food they had all they needed so I could sleep but never enough
  3. So I spent like 12 hours raising bears and I needed sleep I filled the food up and all was set up I wake up like 5 hours later and only one bear is alive I do not see why you are requiring like what 48 hours to grow a bear in the first place and why they would need to eat 5000 meat, some times it feels like some one is just trying to kill me and my pets. Pretty bummed about wasting my time on this its just a tier two animals if it was tier 3 I would understand. Plus how does two bears die and everything els is okay. Over all the time required for this game is beyond human ability and the rewards are very limited. I can not even log out some how my bear will die and I have to stay awake for what 48 hours lol. GG also need 10,000 meat!
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