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Everything posted by viler

  1. Nope. I'm mad at developers cose there must be issue to balance that. If I know that in that game is such mechanik i've never buy it.
  2. I'ts realy stupid. I'm caged now and my kidnapers offline or whatewer.What I'm supposed to do? Wait for them? I'm cant even cuicide or somth. I'm ok that I have been killed robbed till I was ofline. but that...thanks but no. uninstall. I regert about my time and money spent.
  3. I'ts realy stupid. I'm in same situation now. And my kidnapers afk or whatewer.What I'm supposed to do? Wait for them? I'm ok that I have been killed robbed till I was ofline. but that...thanks but no. uninstall. I regert about my time and money spent.
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