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Jaunty Osprey

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Everything posted by Jaunty Osprey

  1. I'm trying to like this game, I really am, but it gets pretty tiresome when I can't keep a schooner for longer than a day. I don't really care about offline raiding, it's just another part of survival PvP games, of which I have played many, so I know how these things go. When you're starting out, you lay low and hide your stuff if you want to keep it. The problem is you can't really hide a ship, and you need a ship if you want to progress in this game at all. At the moment the best I can do is keep a hidden base full of the mats to build a new ship every time I on. This does get tedious. What I'd like is a way to hide at least one ship, say store it in a bottle, and store that in my hidden bases. If it gets found, oh well, should have hidden my base better. If it doesn't, I can yeet that thing into the ocean and go exploring. The bottles can have any limitations on them so long as it lasts at least a couple of days in there. One per player, limit on ship size, crew and inventory dropped when it's stored, etc etc. Sort of like the cryopods on Ark.
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