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James k

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Everything posted by James k

  1. Right so why the level cap then? If people get bored max level then go discover why does it have to be linked in with levelling up?
  2. That's why i don't play pve i play pvp, I can understand on pve where you can't get raided or raid someone it would get boring that's why I don't play pve,having said our 3 man company was raided by my servers mega tribe hacienda last night so this conversation is probably pointless as I'll be going back to apex haha
  3. I'm hoping that many others have suggested and or complained about this, because for.me it's very close to a game breaker personally, it's not fun being forced to do boring tasks to progress in the game, discovery should.be natural not following a video.on YouTube doing the same thing everyone else has done making it even more pointless yet time consuming for no reason at all, please scrap this I love the game just like ark, don't care about the bugs or the PC megatribes attacking my 3 man crew every night and being forced to live on lawless that has no alphas and a lack of resources it's pvp I get it I roll with it but i just Wana do what I Wana do and not be capped and force to go down a route. Please please get rid of this I've been staring at my screen for almost an hour now wondering if I can be bothered to keep playing at lvl 52, please.please get rid of this it's a gamebreaker for me.personally, I don't usually.bother with forums but maybe people will support this and who knows, or the opposite and defend it, just can't see the enjoyment anyone would get out of it.
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