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Everything posted by 099Jayson

  1. Hired crew should be allowed to use ranged weapons like pistols and carbines.. especially since wild Pirates can and DO. Kind of lame to restrict that for single player I get why for official/unofficial, but for single player this should be an option. I would love to equip my army of crew with rifles along the walls of my forts. (I am making 2 different tribes on 1 save to basically have war with 2 tribes)
  2. Ive been talking on the atlas discord seems its a bigger issue for official servers but also single player people missing stuff too. I lost a huge chunk of my crews all around and 1 ship was pretty crippled had to spend an hour or more just replacing pieces. Shame to put so much time into it - I went single player cuz its early access and I was hoping to avoid most wipe situations as I would have my own save file which im told is the case but stuff still slips through..
  3. HELP! My Single Player SAved game - structures, items and crew keep disappearing!!! Today I travelled back to a zone I had built a base on and left some ships anchored, fully crewed, and fully over stocked with coin and food. when I got there ships had missing stuff... tons of it.. after spending the day fixing it, I sailed back to the island in another region I was building on where I also left a ship or 2 fully crewed and stocked. I had only left it for a very short period compared to the first location in question, it shouldn't of decayed that fast either way as 7 days did not even pass ingame (not sure how the decay works if its 7 days real life time or 7 days in game time...)This just started happening today and I am not sure why as I have travelled between regions before with no issue, I have not added anything new mod wise in awhile either, but I turned off decay in hopes it wont happen again wont want to play if I constantly lose hours/days of hard work. ANy ideas? Please help!
  4. It seems every time I reload a saved game it keeps swapping between inventories back to what I had when the game first had this problem and to what I last had on most recent quit/save
  5. Okay so I have spent days playing on my own single player server to get a feel for the game and I've been using a few mods - Custom Item Stacks, Regenerating Ships, Battle Stations!, Godsafe, CG Ships, HeavyShip2 more specifically I was working on a specific Location building a fortress dockyard on a recently Island I captured. D5 58606 -315660 2405. I got pretty far into building one night and exited (without any crashes, there had been some in the past quitting single player) to main menu then quit game to play another. upon returning 2 hours later I loaded into the game and everything went as normal, got in music started to cut in and out, I could move and interact normal but only for about 30 seconds before the game just closes - No Error report, nothing just closes to desktop. I try and try again with same result. I then replaced the current save with the corruption free back up, same result of crashing. I didnt have any near prior saves that didnt lose me hours work so I decide to delete my known saved location. Upon reloading I had to select an area to respawn and I had a few beds on the island itself I was working on, so I choose one closest to where I had been building.., upon spawning it doesn't put me at the bed, but rather, at the exact same location D5 58606 -315660 2405 where I had saved/quit before the issue started. Again it started to occur. I tried killing myself and respawning, I tried a combination of different beds on the island including one on a ship off shore, same result it would put me at those said co-ords and game would just close after 20-30 seconds. Finally I decided to delete my known location again and spawn from the starting point, and re-sail to to the island this seemed to work only I had lost everything I had in my inventory upon respawn. Along the way I saved multiple spots in different locations/regions and when I got close to the island, stopped offshore in a spot away from the problem location and saved. Then quit and reloaded, everything seemed to worked just fine so go back to, D5 58606 -315660 2405 nothing happened, no crashing, no body or sign of previous inventory items. I moved to another spot close to this exact location and tried to quit and reload and same result as above game would crash upon loading into the D5 58606 -315660 2405 spot. So I replaced the files with the ones I made a copy after resailing to the island from homeland and saving from the opposite end of the island I was building on. It works from this point on, and will allow me to return to D5 58606 -315660 2405 and continue building problem free, but when ever I save and try to reload from that location it results in the game constantly closing 20 seconds in which leads me to believe something with that location is causing a fatal error - an animal stuck in a structure, an item or structure itself causing corruption upon save.. Also after I built more then went back to the opposite side of the island to save and quit as it will work from this point, upon reloading one time I ended up getting back the same inventory I lost when all this occured and anything I had remade after was lost but everything else still seems to work so long as I do not try to save/quit from the mention build location or anywhere within visual range of it. I am hoping someone can help me pin point what could be causing this issue so I can eliminate it without having to lose countless hours of creation. The Save was on location ocean x3 y4 (The biggest Island in that region)
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