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About WideEyeNow

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  1. * Sword and Shield... Right trigger swing, Left trigger block * Cannon/stationary weapon... Wild creatures != neutral NPC's(so sharks are shot, not new crew from SotD) // 'All targets' should include neutral NPC's * Craftables selection switching... 'Build one' twice makes selector jump all around, instead of 2 wall being built, it's 1 wood wall and 1 wood table... wtf... * Inventory selection switching... Selection jumps after 6 of Move/Drop(ark had this problem, fix it to stay stationary) * Free fire/Hold fire captaineering... Hold fire should close all gun ports, Free fire should open all gun ports * Glitch cannoneer NPC not reloading cannon... have to unseat and re-seat * Ladders/Rope Ladders... window of opportunity to 'climb ladder' way to small... 15% difference of center view + <1m proximity should suffice?!?! * Global/Company/Ally Chat... Left Bumper + Start button should switch chat type regardless, chat should not have to be displaying atm * Combat mode vs. non-Combat mode... can there be an identifier to know which active, and why does it even exist at all? dodge has always been crouch + left/right in every game * Pike combat... Right trigger thrust(single attack), Left trigger wide swing(radius attack).............. * NPC selecting positions... Could it possibly not expand into a new wheel of everything they can seat? or must we have steering wheel always account one of the multiple?? * NPC's equipped repair hammer + repairing... Is it just too much to ask for?????!!????(make it 3x slower than normal repairing for **** sake..... some ppl run solo...) * Large Cannon in Ship Gun Port... Player(if manned) cannot see anything but wood plank... seeing the ship you're shooting with a non turning cannon might be useful........ *** RESPAWN SELECTION... why is the list not able to change selection?!?!?!?!? Right stick at that moment does nothing, please make it change selection of bed/s!!! * Company Log... Player demolished structure should not show multiple times, grieving can be hidden... change to "Player Demolished 7 wood wall, 7 wood foundation @ G3... */ Invert Y changes selector wheel up/down... very annoying... invert Y is just for aiming camera, not menus or wheels.... ===================== I'm sure there's more I've noticed, I'll update when it's important enough to mention... I will say I'm glad you finally released for Xbox(even though way late), but please accommodate for the lesser here, joystick != mouse + controller != keyboard... and I will give ">_<" for cross-play... you added severe lag and majorly toxic communities to the best game to ever hit Xbox since ARK... thanks............ but other than that, you're rocking it, keep it up! u!
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