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Everything posted by Nefartious

  1. So you are openly trying to rationalize your unprofessional behavior for participation in an impromptu open voice chat for damage control for the video live stream for the company you work for? If you were employed by me or anyone in my circles your employment would not last long, how does this even make sense to you to do? Those two direct questions are not to be answered, but are questions the company as a whole needs to ask themselves. This is not a dig of any sort, but thanks for the insightful knowledge as to why none of these games you guys are producing have issues with growing the player bases. Also to note, when your companies staff members take part in private chat channels, it is not good business practice at all. I have seen quite a few of you guys in discord channels (this includes live voice) through the years, and honestly, its quite disgusting to see how there are certain 'circles' formed within the larger communities in these games. On the topic though of using specific channels to communicate out information, I am sure you have someone in the office or employed by one of the companies that can program a nice little tool to tweet out new forum posts as they are created by a certain account/subject, etc. You guys are a game developer, I am sure you have a lead programmer that would be able to fulfill that task, or maybe that is another part of this problem? Grumpy ol'man
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