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Everything posted by InfernaDeus

  1. Does anyone have any bot/twitter/anything that will let me know the second they wipe?
  2. Yeah a wipe wouldnt help pve. But if the only the pvp servers wiped it might bring population to the pve server without them wiping.
  3. The 10 day gap, is this true? surely that would have a massive impact because people who came from ark to play atlas would probably join an ark server and play that instead when the servers actually wiped. I know the majority are not ark players.
  4. When atlas first came out you would have new players every day. Thousands of players. Yes, offline raiding was a big issue and it was hard to get a safe claim, but there were players and it was possible to join up and raid yourself. Now you can build multiple galleons without seeing a single person... I've done it myself and it just gets boring. I was playing Ark when the servers wiped but I've heard it didn't go very well. Apparently there was a 10 day gap where nobody could play while the servers wiped. IDK if this is true but if it is, then that must be a massive reason why the servers have no more than 500 players per cluster (at once). On Ark the unofficials servers wipe when they go dead, or have a schedule, i know that Atlas should not wipe on a regular basis but it needs a wipe, badly. New ark official servers always have very high population. I would love to play this game properly but it seems a waste of time with only a couple players on each grid, if any. Does anyone know when/if they wipe soon. If the devs or community managers could manage to let people know they are wiping. that would be great. Not just announce it but try and spread the word to as many former and new atlas players as possible. And not to have a massive gap where the servers are down. I love atlas but PVP just isnt PVP at the moment.
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