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Posts posted by Lolleray

  1. 9 hours ago, Enki Anunnaki said:

    cant have piracy without trade, else it's just a battleship farm simulator game lol. i think you might end up liking it in the long run, once the trade system is fleshed out you get a few high value hauls and game life becomes about accruing wealth instead of just territory. they need to add rare goods, not just materials and blueprints. bring back the top hat, bunny ears and start making new fancy rare items that players will want to horde and display as a sign of wealth and prestige.

    i also still hope they add a bounty system. i want to white night and hunt pirates as well as be the bad guy and be a pirate. a law system would be very cool to go along with the trade system. perhaps the systems could work together where if you own the trade hub you get a notification if a trade ship has been seized in your waters or what have you and a bounty is then issued for the pirates head to be returned to the trade hub bounty head drop box within 10 hours for like 10k or something. allow dead bodies to be put in the guillotine and their head harvested.

    achievements and titles would be cool too. master pirate for number of trade ships seized. headhunter for number of heads collected. yadaya. so many possibilities. 

    bring back the top 5 company badges. perhaps add badges for top trade companies and pirate companies?

    and lets be real, seasons are what shit games need to keep ppl playing. if you give players a reason to come back every day besides chores and wars, game health will dramatically rise. the trade system and piracy are a fantastic start. bring on a bounty system, achievements, titles and rare items too please.

    Wtf are you talking about? are you rdy to lose 50k gold in seconds coz barrels? coz demasting by barshots? coz shieldbashing in harbour? coz 40/40 anchored ships in grid? coz crash when transfering from server to server? This prices can work on PvE server.. not PvP server.. wake up man

  2. One more thing... grid ship limit is 40 ships.. BUT.. ships starting taking dmg when you have 40/40 anchored ships in harbour.. if you forget to check.. you can lose ship in your harbour.. we lost 4 gallys like taht last season.. so.. in next season it will be -200k gold .. like da fak?    This game supposed to be pirate game.. maybe it was at the start.. and now? foking trade simulator and farmhouse micromanager?  No performance improves.. grids are laggy af after 2 weeks from every wipe... BUT.. we have SEAFORTS guys... definately no more lags and desynchs.. 

    • Thanks 1

    • Bug Fix: Driving a Cargo Cart over a Pillar will no longer cause the rider to dismount
    • Bug Fix: If a Ceiling Tile is placed on top of a Pillar and then destroyed, any object built on the Ceiling Tile will also be destroyed

    So.. if you naming this 2 things as bug.. that means... almost EVERYONE last 2 seasons was abusing bugs... that means almost all players are exploiters for last 2 seasons... so when ban hammer will come for rest of the players, what still playing? 

    • Removed XP reward from all bosses including the Abominable Snowman, Kraken, Hydra, Drake, Ghost Ship, and Blackwood's Queen Cobra

    Any news about adding more xp from maps? or still nothing? when you removing all ways how lvl relatively fine.. not years? what about removing "shared xp" from game.. and keep xp gain from bosses... problem solved. Hope everyone know.. why players was gaining too much lvls from Snowman for example...at least devs should know.. and thats why not making sence this removing xp form bosses


    • Confused 1

  3. So.. i dont care about warehouses... ii taxes can be connected directly to the flag.. why farmhouses cant.... but.. want to write something about barrel changes... in season 1 was removed ability shoot barrels from canons.. i think you was able to use them only in ship canons before it was removed... Ships in season 1 havent ability to skill into dmg.. there was only crew, beds, weight and sturdiness... and devs knew about how broken barrels are..... so they remove this posibility to shoot them from ship canons..... Now... season 4... over year later.. we have it here back... but now.. you are able to skill ships into dmg (252%) max... and we have stupidly ridiculous high dmg roll on canons from maps... BUT you can now load barrels into catapults and large canons too... tell me pls.. how stupid you must be to not see this... noone is safe now.. even in harbour... only one safe place is now... freeport... btw.. still waiting for tradewinds... wasnt it trademark of map change?  i think you are able to shoot 200 barrels in minute from catapult.. whit 150% dmg catapult.. thats 15000 dmg per shot..  thats 3 000 000 dmg in minute? and you can place catapult on horse... great idea... great dev team.. but i think you need a little comon sence and someone .. who will tell you how to play this game

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