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Everything posted by Kibagichi

  1. I would suggest letting maybe not individual players, but maybe companies or something select 1 boat that's the primary or main boat and make it no indestructible, but maybe not decay or whatever for an extended period of time. I hate coming back to this game, making a boat and then have it disappear because i couldnt get on for whatever reason.
  2. So you have to actually get on the boat? that's stupid. I at least log in a few times a week just to feed the few tames that I have. I thought i just had to log in. it's not like anyone's even on the PVE servers anyway.
  3. Can someone please explain to me why it's a good idea to demolish someone else's boat if they've been offline for x amount of time? I find it stupid that I have to level a boat, stop playing for a while because of work and life, then come back to find my boat's gone.
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