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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/gw9h8y/tonight_was_a_painful_one_for_our_company_we/ I haven't played Atlas since early Feb. (Once I realized that you gave up officially, I moved on as well.) Tonight I was on Reddit, and came across the above story, which if you watch the youtube video they link further down in the comments, was actually amazing. Then the more I thought about it, my feelings of sadness for Dunkin and his family, turned into anger towards you sorry excuses for a development team. Your community that you built, made promises to, and let down time and time again right before you abandoned them completely to work on your dino game; DO YOU REMEMBER THAT COMMUNITY?!?!?! Well that community lost a member to a Global Pandemic. I'm sure there are others as well, but this is the one that I'm aware of, simply by reading through a community reddit. Maybe if any of your community mods were even paying attention, they could have seen the same and at least sent a shout out on Twitter or something. I can't begin to understand what is or isn't going on at GS, but you should be absolutely and undoubtedly ashamed of the way that you have treated the Atlas community. A community that used the forum that you provided, to hold a fkn memorial service for a father who loved playing YOUR GAME. A father, who's son logged into his account so that his company could build a tribute to him, and lay his character to rest. The son, who during the service mentioned that his dad used to tell him stories at the dinner table of how amazing his company mates were, or how bad they got raided that day. So while it's amazing that his father had Altas to use as an outlet, a way to have adventures and make friends, It's too bad that he never got to see where this game might eventually go. I really believe that your studio has lost sight of what's most important; Taking care of the people. If I were GS, I would take a long hard look at what kind of studio I have become.
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