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How to fix the mechanics of claiming land

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Does anyone remember factions from Minecraft? I played it for a while. You would go around raiding bases, getting loot expand more, and it would be like you were playing a whole new game. I was feeling Minecraft factions had done it perfectly. I feel ATLAS should implement some of the games mechanics to make itself better.

Here is what they should do to fix the claiming land mechanics:

1)Instead of giving any player infinite claims right off the bat you should make the player earn it's claims. Make flags be a resource that you must craft or buy from a vender. This would prevent the single players from claiming a whole piece of land, and allow for massive groups to expand. Although you should also add a limit to how many flags a player can craft or buy so a single company does not take the whole server.

2)Instead of contesting for land, you should have the player again earn that land, so the better player gets the land. I was thinking of making it so the player must destroy the opposition's flag. Then, the opposition would have to guard the flag with walls and such to make sure players will not destroy it. The developers then add bombs or spells that can break the walls so the players can get to the flag. Like you can recruit crew mates, you should be able to recruit npcs to man cannons while you are afk, in case of any intruders while you are gone. Although this mechanic may not work in PvE mode it will certainly work in PvP mode.

3)Make lawless land a gathering ground for resources, let them spill more resources out than other islands around the map. Make the resources spawn quickly as well so the islands are not barren of trees. Although, freeports should be the only area in which u cannot be attacked in PvP mode.  This will let players be more attracted to lawless land, and let beginners get to higher level more quickly, so they can start battling for their own island.

Just these improvements can allow for players to be able to claim land in an fair way and not let it be unfair or annoying

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