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Capturing Horses Easily

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After building many traps that did not work I finally figured out the best way to get a herd built up. 
I will call it, Block & Build. 
First it's best to already have a horse. I know, this is not what you wanted to hear. Buy one, borrow one or try this technique with a wolf or a bear or whatever you have.
Build 6 thatch foundations and about 10 thatch walls and put them on your hotbar. Then run around with the wild horses, when one stops near you, walk you and your animal in front of it for the block.  The horse will rear up and try to run, but it usually only runs forward. You will need to back up a tad and then move forward a tad very quickly to get the horse stuck inside your mount. At this point throw down your foundations and walls around the wild horse and you, as fast as you can. Start at the left and right of the wild horse to stop it from turning, then cover the back. The foundations do not need to connect, in fact it's better if they don't. Leave gaps for taming, if possible. After that, figure out how to partition off the wild horse, get your mount out of the mix, grab your sugarcane and bolas, the rest is super easy.
Or, come on over to G8 (PVE) and buy a horse from us.
Happy Herding

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