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Balance, Survivability, Navigation

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Leaving Freeport at Level 8 is insta death!
I left when told, was fully stocked with water food and more. Trying to survive on any island outside freeport is impossible, Wolves, Crocks, are WAY too OP and can usually kill in 3 or 4 hits, and I didn't even get into how many Alphas there are. You cant do enough damage with a bow or spear to survive at ALL. Just spent 2 hours trying to get my body back to no avail. This game needs some major balancing / tuning. There are mobs EVERYWHERE. You cant walk 5 feet without being attacked by something. Aggro range is INSANELY high! This is BEYOND unrealistic and BEYOND hardcore. I enjoy a challenge, but this is just dumb.
1. Level 15 before leaving freeport, so you can atleast learn shipwright, metal tools, a decent weapon and armor

2. A reverse sail or someway to "back out" of an area / port / island. Its truly impossible to get to certain islands or leave certain areas without spending an hours trying to manipulate your sails while you crawl inches a minute cause the wind is moving the opposite direction. Maybe add paddles so you can paddle your way back or use it as a makeshift rudder.

3. The font in game is terrible, truly terrible. Give us the option to choose what font we want.
4. More potable water, just in general. There needs to be more water. WE ARE ON THE SEA! Why cant we drink sea water!, maybe the option to boil and purify it?

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1 / 2.

I don't agree level wise to make a landfall and start to ' survive '. To be honest, even if you are start with lvl 1, you should be able to get around.

But, this is only for PVE only because in PVP other humans are more to worry about vs animals. Having freeports around the whole 15x15 is a good
idea to start when ATLAS WAS new, but now all places close to freeports are clocked and we even had msges that the server is too full after sailing
out to a new  map / island...

Now that Atlas isn't new anymore, you are just about to get killed trying to make a landfall from other players / companys because they want to prevent
bigger fights afterwards (you also would use up their materials on the island). They will just destroy your bed and kill you > back to beginners island...

To bypass this, one way would be to guarantee that even if you make a landfall on a island with players on it, you and your belongings are un-raidable
until gaining lvl 15 on PVP and only animals can kill you to settle at least down before PVP starts. This would also allow to make it out to refill your
ressources and go to the next island.

It's no fun for new players to get low fps and lags starting on beginners island new and a new over and over just because moving will get you killed
from bigger companys before there is any chance to advance any gameplay. We are 60+ players just in our company, getting along is not easy sometimes,
but that is our personal problem and we let no others from outside come too close to us. I guess it's the same for others and it needs better BALANCE...

3. I agree, the font is not the best.

4. Yes, i would add a solution to produce your own fresh water out of sea water. Ex. boil it to get drinkable water and salt.

Also you should be able to fill your jar or water bag after digging water out, and allow to put it back to a barrel manualy including the option to split it up.

To get water splitted up would partly allow to workaround the BUG using too much water for cooking !!!


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Should be option to fill barrels with fresh-water for voyages and drink from or refill your pouch from it. 

Boiling water should give salt and water. 

Should also be a passive water collector (Tarp over a bucket) that uses the moisture to very slowly collect water. Barely enough to survive but to survive all the same.

Drinking salt water should induce sickness and eventually death in short order. But maybe just enough hydration to get you to freshwater.

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