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The server crashed and my ship sunk

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I can't believe this game is not dead on arrival after all the bs players go through on a day to day basis ingame. So the server crashed, I finally log back on and what do I see? My brigantine, something I built just YESTERDAY is missing 4 planks and sinking. Over 10 hours put into that brig, and it sinks because of this... My guess is I must of hit shallows or stray rocks before the crash? Because when my ship finally sunk I saw rocks hidden beneath the crashing waves virtually impossible to see. This is absolutely rediculus. Over 10 hours....And just like that its gone. What a complete waste of my weekend.....And its not just this. The other day I had a pet wolf onboard my schooner. Omw back to base I got shot at by some sotd. My wolf decided to leap into the water. It died to a LEVEL 2 MANTA RAY(LOLOLOLOL) before I could find it.

This game is extremely punishing in the most TECHNICAL ways. Its not hard because its difficult. Its hard because its broken and not fleshed out in any way. Instead of working on core game design that is virtually killing the game, they add a submarine that no one will get unless they kill the kraken. I can't do it anymore. Just like everyone else I waited for this stupid "mega patch" to be released and nothing has changed. All the technical bs that players experienced are still being experienced. 


I submitted a ticket, but I seriously doubt grapeshot will ressurect my brigantine from the depths... My girlfriend wanted to leave state and go to miami this weekend cause of 3 day weekend. But I decided to stay home and play atlas. Finally finished making a brig FOR THE FIRST TIME...And this happens....All that time and work....Complete waste of time....I'm going to get my brig back, or I'm done playing this game. The anger it causes, the punishing aspects of it, its all not worth the time and money for it. Back when I was just a brat was the last time I ever let a game upset me this much. Its childish and I cant believe I let this game bring that side of me out. I should of quit a long time ago. But I gave grapeshot the benefit of the doubt in hopes they would improve the gaming experience....


I suggest you postpone on content updates like a stupid submarine no one wants, an under sea civilation and cosmetics. Work on your core game design. Technical aspects like unseeable shallows, buggy pets, clunky combat and that garbage vitamin system literally noone likes or thinks is a good idea. 

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