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Ivey Sinclaire

PVE Flag Claim Idea/PVE in General

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My ideas for PVE claim system would be to take the PVE server in a completely different direction than PVP.

#1 - Top Company Determination

I don't believe that the top companies should be based on how much land a company has. It rewarded companies for monopolizing land and thus making it hard for new players to play. For PVE it should be PVE based. We have a progression chain, make the top companies based on PVE completion (ex: first-10th company to down x-boss, first-10th company to unlock x-achievement). For PVP it could be something PVP Battle Based (Opposing ships destroyed). Or - it could be based on amount of gold a company has. Pirates are always looking for treasure, not playing Monopoly (although that is a great game), and it would provide more incentive to go out and explore and do treasure maps, and promote a healthy player economy with trading.

#2 Water Claims

I would get rid of water claims, as nobody should own the sea, and they are useless other than structure building to grief others by destroying ships with pillars or blocking people in.

#3 - Land Flags

Flags could be pre-placed, so that there isn't overlapping, first to the claim flag wins the claim. Only 1 claim per player, so they should pick wisely. Only make as many claim flags as server population will handle. If for example the server holds 10,000 users, there are 10,000 flags that can be claimed. That makes it so that the only time land isn't available is when the server has a full population. I really like the 3 week timer rule that was put in place. If someone doesn't log in for 3 weeks, someone else can claim their land.

#4-Company Land

A company that takes a risk of having 250 members should be able to have 250 claims to spread across the huge map that you made for us. I didn't like the change that was made that when a person leaves the company that their land stays with the company. If the claims were tied to the player instead of the company, it would be incentive for a company to keep a player with good a valuable land claim in their company. The change that was made previously allowed companies to invite people into their company because they wanted their land and then removed them from the company and kept the land.


Anyway, just my thoughts, I know you are making big decisions and I hope that you find something other than what was announced.

Edited by Ivey Sinclaire

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The whole claim by Company player base leads to a massive imbalance, resulting in smaller or single player companies can't claim Islands and are missing out on a potentially large part of the game, mainly Player Taxes, Sales and general Land Ownership in my opinion and needs to be redressed.

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