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Fix land declaiming....

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  If land is able to be taken because a company or player hasn't logged in for 3-5 days or whatever the current timer is... there should not be a 6 hour declaim timer.. especially for land on small islands were several small companies live.  Trying to keep people off the land to make it usable again shouldn't take luck and days worth of attempts to take basically empty land.

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Also... why does the timer reset because someone walks through the land... I was 2 and half hours into a claim.. someone walks through... bam... back to a 6 hrs declaim... this is rediculous

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Before I start I want to make mention that the below comments/suggestions are purely in respect to the PvE server:

I've spent around 200 hours in this game declaiming and claiming land.

I've contested the Darksea Dawgs lands from many usurpers and I've been doing it all since just after the majority of prime lands had already been claimed.


The system is nightmarish.

We are now top 10, after the late start being stuck in the incredible lag and horrendous polar starter areas, but this is because we have done little more than contest and claim land. There is no room to do anything else with the current system.

I have no problem with the idea of renting lands from others nor even being taxed up to 30% but there are several specific issues with the claim system:

  1.  *PRIORITY* - WHO can interrupt a land claim -  Random pathfinders who cross through the claim should NOT contest the claim, it is ridiculous that an unallied, unconcerned member of the public stops the claim timer when they simply want to gather or pass through the land in contest. 
  2. Inactives need to be attended to!!!!! - On our island we have a fort which was claimed by a couple players 2-3 days into the game, they have not returned since we made the island our home ~28 December. Their lands are uncontestable as they are sleeping within the claim areas. Now I have no problem with ~7 days leeway for players who go on holiday etc but over 14 days of uncontestable land with the owners clearly no longer playing? That is absurd.
  3. Flag counters not working to reduce timer -The flag counts aren't retrospective, they have only applied to NEW flags being placed which actually means that the majority of the large land holders will never have their timers reduced below 6 hours as they already have the land.
  4. *CONTENTIOUS* - Flags allowed per person/company (PVE ONLY) -  If the above 3 are fixed this would not be so much of an issue but... As there is no way to forcibly contest lands on the PvE server I would personally like to see a reduction in the amount of claims allowable per person, say 4-10 per person and an additional amount per company which scales up according to the members (say 10 per company + 1 company claim per member). We only have 30,000 people playing at the moment across 4 different official servers and countless unofficial servers so these numbers don't need to be miniscule but obviously can be tweaked. 

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They should make the claim flags Square boxes instead of circles, so much land gets waisted cause of the circles.

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10 hours ago, Sullust said:

They should make the claim flags Square boxes instead of circles, so much land gets waisted cause of the circles.

Why, you can overlap circle claims? I feel the real issue is that claims should be limited to just 5 claims per player. There is no reason, other than selfishness, for a single pathfinder to claim more than 5 claims since land is very limited. If you are in a large company than that company's territory will also be increased as each of their members will contribute their 5 claims to cover a large area the company will occupy.

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