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Better Logging

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First off thanks for making the game.  Having a blast and it's Alpha so looking forward to the future.  I wanted to take a moment to present a couple ideas related to information and data logging.

In the future can we....

Storage Logs: Add logs to items that store things,  so if someone goes over to the community smithy and removes a stack of gemstones because they are making something we know who to ask about returning what they didn't use?

Captains Log.  Every ship since the time of sailing has had a captains,  bridge or officer of the deck log.  On private servers some choose to mix / match PVP and PVE zones offering a balance for player types and then put rules in like if you start an engagement you can't run into a PVE zone to save your ship.   it would be great if we adapted the Captain's log functionality into the game where every time the ship did something such as shoot or take damage it would record the region,  the lat and long and what happened.

Region X;  Lat / Long;  Fired X Cannons;  Damage Ship [Insert Name] for Y amount is an example.

Make this data available,  not only that but make it exportable.  Or even better allow the user to open a map where it mapped out each event (the latter might be a heavier lift programmatically) this would be a really interesting feature in terms of programming but if the ships sank the logbook could end up in the captain's inventory so they could possibly use it as a lesson learned experience.



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