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A few Troubles of a big Alliance

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I'm a leader of an Alliance that has hundreds of players, that alliance is (naturally) formed by a collective of companies, within my own Company I even have sub-groups (or sub-companies) as well.

I've recently encountered a problem that goes as follows: 

Giving Ships and Buildings to other players or companies

If I have the interest in splitting a small group from my own Company so that group can create it's own separate Company, and at the same time if I want to give them Ships and Buildings - It is really hard and time consuming. Right now it works like: (1.) Player leaves my Company, (2.) If I want to give him buildings or land I have to remove the flags I want, (3.) Player needs to claim territory with the buildings I want to give, (4.) Player needs to claim ships one by one which take sometimes over 10 hours.

There's no proper system to relinquish a ship to another company or person.


Tracking allied members:

The other situation is there should be an option that enables allied members to spot allied ships on map the same way company members can.


Edited by rikkarth
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