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lf clarification More Claim Flags, Less Time Required to Take. WHAT?!

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In the patch notes for v9 as I'm reading it it means that sea claims will no longer be a thing at all as it serves no real benefit so literally you'll not be able to claim on the water (if I'm reading this properly) and that the more claim flags you have (on land, anywhere), the less time it takes for someone to take those flags thus if you have 100 claim flags, it could be a matter of hours, not days until someone is able to take your land. 


It seems like yet again we're going through a situation where people might lose a lot of stuff due to radical changes with the flags.. unless I'm reading this wrong. We literally took a sizeable amount of land because they have maps that show the top companies as if it's a badge of honor (on PVE) and something we should be doing yet now if this is correct, those very companies will be very easily challenged. WTF It's like saying "go right!" when you mean left.


By the way I'm not saying that people should be restricted or punished for how much land they take, I agree with it completely but as of right now, theres "Live maps" for PVE that show the top companies with the most flags and they have an entire tax system where you benefit from such land grabs. 

Edited by Dexter

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