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Xbox players still can't get on

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It has now been over a week that the servers went down for xbox player yall need to hurry up and fix the damn problem people's bases have probably been destroyed from their crew doing a mutiny on them tames have probably all died due to starvation and anyone who has claimed islands probably isnt claimed anymore I personally think it's b.s. that pc players have no issues getting on but oh if your a xbox player it's like screw them even though we paid money for the damn game hurry the hell up find and fix the damn problem so we can start fixing our stuff and enjoy the game just like the stupid pc players

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In 2020 in a redbeard journal he stated in a not so nice entry he does not feel console players should play the game because it makes him actually have to work to allow everyone to play. Also back then the graphics were alot better. I miss the days when the world was bigger than 12×12. Under his leadership the game has not made much progress. But I hope one day he will see that if he allowed console players into PVE more people would return.

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