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CLAIM TOWERS could have fixed this game

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Claim Towers could have fixed this game.  So much lag to do spamming of things everywhere.  Claim towers was the way to fix the game,  but they like building spam that uses so much memory they make the game look like  puke and worse then Nintendo 64 graphics on XBOX.

Does grapeshot not know that is the major problem of the game is the SPAMMING of every piece of structure people throws down every single place possible.
Refine claim towers dont give one person 30+ claim towers. Give them 5 if they want more each tribe member they add gets one more claim tower to a max of 15 claim towers.  
Also have the grid like it was day one if the map was to big then make it a 8x8 or 9x9.  

Also the passive mining of materials should not have to place them 5 miles apart it was nice touch to the game but its why i claimed a whole island to my self because had to if i wanted all the passive production of wood, stone, metal and whatever else.  REFINE it. Everyone wants to enjoy every aspect of the game. So allow us to with out giving us the world.

If the game actually ran right and looked good people would play this.  
I would play it again but it need some type of ad on XBOX to bring back players because it ran off so many XBOX players. I had like 20 friends that wanted to play it and zero want too now.

Edited by AceVP

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