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A Cog cut my warboat like butter.

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An unmodified cog unanchored in my harbor. I brought out my  warboat and with 12 cannons at 200% damage ran about 300 cannonballs at point blank. from my perspective, the front half of the Cog was not there. nonetheless this unarmed cog turned and sailed away from me, turned and rammed me.  As i removed his sails, his cabin, and his deck, his non-existent front end carved 4 holes in my front end. as he was continuing to wag, I was unable to lay replacements as he redamaged and removed them. then, with over half of his boat missing, he still managed to last longer than mine.


Now his boat is blocking my harbor. I cannot demolish it. I cannot even get into his cabin. 


first of all, since when are smaller boats supposed to win ramming contests? why do cogs get impenetrable cabins? the normal system is cool. but now, with 500 wood/thatch/fiber, and a dash of metal I can make and launch a boat that dominates sea battles??


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