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so will new claim system apply to all

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ok so you can claim lawless land and take all in claim area so will this apply to claimable islands as well , in the early days you claimed the island you had the buildings as well but not ships so if you can claim all now then why not claim islands as well like it used to be get islands get all the goodies as well,only fair but i think being able to claim armoured docks and ship it just a bit to far unless it applys to all islands lawless or other wise.

but for single players and small companys its hard enough getting and keeping gold and different mats now ppl can come along at take all in 45 mins all your hard work is gone could be weeks or months or work down the pan as one post put it a naked nob just sailing by see it and takes it all.

and as for new players and peopl who can not play much they have little hope of getting any meaning full game going as once again even if they claim a bit of land along comes the naked nub and all is lost again damn i hate that guy.

so from now on things are going to get much harder players living in the lawless islands 

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