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General Play QOL + "Short Term Implementation" Suggestions:


QOL for Blueprints:

More consistent and predictable based on level:

Common 101%+ Fine 110%+ Journeyman 135%+  Masterwork 160%+  Legendary 185%+  Mythic 200%+  Ascended 300%+


SoD, Flotsam, and Bottle Glow VISUAL QOL:

The colored glow of the aforementioned items should match that of blueprints/maps of the same quality.



On islands without fresh water, players should be able to dig a well in which a underground pipe can be placed.


Terrain Issues:

Will touch on this in a later thread, almost every island gets it's own one of these.


Sextant Skill:

QOL:  Having played  the heck out of servers with the "Master Navigator" mod I find that the sextant buff is critical to enjoying the game. This buff should be reworked and it's benefits active all the time. Instead of granting its current benefits; it should instead allow ships to have a better wind angle and allow the player to mark a known place on the map, drawing a becon on the compass and in world for them to follow.

Cyclones and Storms:

QOL: Okay, so... cyclones are... in my personal opinion one of the dumbest mechanics ever. Instead of spawning tons of them on ships, why not spawn  far fewer and make them more of a threat  when actually encountered?  Entering one,  rather than damaging you and your entire boat should throw you off course and damage sails.

Tames and the Taming Tree:

QOL: A Stirrup equip-able (with item health of course) that prevents dismounts. Something like 100% resist for PvE, 10% resist for PvP

QOL:  Skill: "Master's Call Feat" The pathfinder shouts loudly, alerting any tames set to follow the player; or those recently ridden to teleport to the player. This feat also causes tames to disengage from their current, ignore new targets, and become immune to damage for a short duration. This feat is granted upon unlocking the taming tree.

Skill: "Intimidate Feat" The pathfinder's vast understanding of animal body language and vocalizations has granted them the ability to dominate any creature. The pathfinder shouts loudly also encouraging any nearby or ridden friendly tames, to do the same. The more  involved the stronger the effect. This causes wild creatures to freeze in fear before running way or disengaging from the player. The creature will continue to run and ignore any creature or player that shouted. When used on enemy tamed creatures it causes a stat debuff, and at stronger levels a short stun. Against other players it increases aimsway, debuffs stats, and causes melee attacks to occasionally do no damage.

Skill: "Familiarization Feat" Can only be used while riding a breed creature raised by you. Entering a trance like state a pathfinder uses this ability they temporarily become one with their mount, disappearing and changing the mount visually. If the tame is killed, the pathfinder is killed.  This feat allows the pathfinder greater control over a mount resulting in a faster turn radius, increased stats, faster speed, and more effective Natures Cry/Touch effects.

QOL:  Taming should be changed in a few ways. Bola's should last longer (but cost more.) Head thrashing and having to feed at a certain point on the critter feels really icky; allow it to be fed from anywhere.

QOL:  Powerstone Tames  Theres no reason the wilds at a powerstone shouldn't be tameable. I can tame a 130 dino razortooth there, but not a 75 bear for no reason other than "lol its magic." If a player is willing to risk it, and has the powerstone for that island they should be able to tame critters there.

QOL:  Breeding: Breeding times are FAR too long and dont allow for healthy play habits. Reduce them to a maximum of 8 hours from conception to adulthood.


QOL: Covered in my other thread, but Ill touch on it here. NPCs need to be able to do anything a player can do. Repair ships, baby sit, harvest resources, etc.

QOL: Allow players to place their own crew recruiter.



QOL: De-Planking: As mentioned in my other posts, deplanking is a really poopy mechanic right now. Instead of losing my mythical planks, they should leak progressively, starting somewhere around 200. In the Long term, visually, rather than darkening planks could show what sort and amount of damage and they took.

  • Player/NPC Cannon Damage: Starts as splintering and misaligned boards at low damage, medium to high damage sees cannon balls sticking in place on hit (if from an SoD they continue to glow) at the point of being "planked" they show large holes that accordingly burn ghostly colors or with a worldly fire.
  • Whale Damage: Low damage shows dents and misalignment over large areas, medium damage shows splintering and dropping planks, at high damage the plank loss looks like it does now.
  • Terrain: Low damage shows splintering and scrapes, medium damage shows light gashing and exposed wood pulp, high damage shows large gashes exposing the inner decks.

QOL: Speed sails should increase top speed potential, and a CORRECTLY RE-RENAMED ACCELERATION SAIL (handling) sail allows you to reach said top speed.

Weight sails should also be worked into the meta by causing them to reduce the weight of anything stored in the ships cargo racks, docks, or resource chest.

QOL: Alert players when there are low or no repair resources.

Intimidation Feat: Activated on a boat, All crew and players attempt to intimidate the enemy, clattering melee weapons and jeering, those with firearms and mounted on cannons fire salvos of blanks. Has a slowing effect vs other ships.


Power Stones & Mythic Content:

Mythic content and powerstones are a little too difficult. More players would be interested in doing this content and using mythic tames if these areas were more forgiving. There are plenty of ways to use mechanics to make these areas less punishing without removing any challenges.

This could be  as simple as turning down the spawn rate. Some of the ruined buildings are a great example of this. There are so many lions, tigers, and bears stacked up in one spot it not only slows the clients performance, it destroys any chance of progressing in that area.  Mythic creatures like Cyclops, Elementals, and Gorgons should each have ways to disengage from and not get totaled. For example, Cyclops could be semi-passive like Shieldhorns and leave you alone if you run away. Rock Elementals, for example could ignore you when you stop moving or crouch past them requiring the player to dismount and sneak, lava elementals could fear getting splashed and will run and disengage at the sight of a bucket, Gorgons could be passive if you dont look at them for more than a few seconds.

Kraken: I managed to solo the Kraken but it was impossible to do it as part of the Destiny Alliance. Go figure. It is simultaneously too hard and too easy.


Offical PvP QOL

Based on my experience of US-PvP and forum posts.

Torpedoes still suck:

Can we do away with all future PvP "tek" style stuff? The Sub was a smart addition, but the torps are a little advanced. Airships have more of a place than torpedos. (Actually a slow, unarmed, lumbering cargo airship event would be SUPER COOL) I could see torpedoes being used for PvE content. Let's stick to cannons for ship to ship fights.

War has come down to China v US at this point.

Creating a reason for players to naturally band together regardless of national origin is needed to quell the loss of players.


Group limits suck.

"Ahhh real megas!" Things were better with no group limits, and the population drop off right after this change is all the evidence you need.


Big groups are the backbone of this game

Dont listen to the Reddit cry babies. While its not my cup o grog, mega groups drive the economy, and emergent gameplay in all other games like this one.


Tames kinda suck to fight

The crab, lions, and  bears are all the worst things to deal with in fights. Tames should have a less critical role.


Structure Regeneration/Raid recovery.

As detailed in my "Nations" post; if an island is not lost in a raid, its structures should heal and anything popcorned/left to decay deposited in the tax bank/claim flag.


Offical PvE QOL

Based on my experience of US-PvE and forum posts.

Bring back the ability to demolish abandoned structures:

Exploring and pilfering player ruins was an intriguing and engaging part of PvE play. Structures can still auto-decay but the ability to destroy should  come days or a week before auto destruct. Players who remained in these structures become skeletons or mummified corpses allowing anyone to loot them.

Decrease the cost of islands:

Since PvE players are generally solo or very small groups up keep potential is generally very low. Plenty of 55+ islands remain unclaimed. Price for both upkeep and island point cost is too high.


Global Chat:

This is a feature on lots of private servers. All servers share the same chat channel. This would make trading and arranging to do hard content easier.


Wind Patterns:

Wind should always be strong. The reasons behind licky winds are purely PvP. Slow winds just make for a slow play experience.


Ship Loss:

As detailed in my "Nations" post; there should be a way to re-float your ships that have sunk.


Lawless is pointless:

As long as PvE is in it's current state Lawless areas serve no function. Allow them to be claimed.





Edited by PeglegTheAngry

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