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Posts posted by stormoffires

  1. 15 hours ago, Mythathos said:

    Are you sure it was a player? I mean SOTD just roll into our harbor all the time. No one drags them over.

    Only reason I think it was player was because our bank was destroyed as well as several other small buildings with boxes/smitty's that did not have any animal or AI near them. But then our rooms and other non valuable areas are left un touched. Even our animal pen was spared. 

  2. Quote


    me: ok so i got a couple hours to play, sweet, let me just sail on over to another grid do some mining. Oh wait let me dodge 12+ SoTD, meh i can sail through them take some hits. Oh crap, a whale! Change course, oh crap another whale and 3 more SoTD! change course, F another whale! ok looks clear.. wait how am i back at my island.... well that was a fun 30 mins.. shall i try again...




    pretty standard sailing pattern for me in the mornings haha. then maybe throw in some over powered cyclones cause why not? 


    how is it a game about sailing makes me wanna stay on shore so i dont loose that ship i worked so hard to farm out? 


    Suggestion: Do not allow more than 1 whale spawn WITH SoTD, i have no issues dodging 3 or 4 whales but lets not mix the mobs together. if we could tone down SoTD spawn rates from the 35+ a grid to like 15, make it more of a scare/hunt to find them. Not part of normal life. Also the reward for killing them is pretty crappy. yey 12 gold and MAYBE a green blueprint for a pillar woooot! 


    edit suggestion: Allow a crew member to be hired to Repair DURING combat/sailing. doesn't need to be much and they can be slow but steering/firing/and running around to repair in the middle of a hot zone sucks. Replaced a blown off pannel from a SoTD and then a whale took 3 off in 1 hit haha rip. 

  3. Wolves seem to travel around in groups of 3+. lately we have been seeing 6 or 7 plus, sure a rifle can 1 shot A WOLF.... but the others eat your face before you can even switch weapons. They are chasing horses all over the island and not staying in their spawn area so as soon as they leave after that horse they spawn more. 


    either make wolves weaker and easier to kill OR adjust spawns please!

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  4. 1 minute ago, Scorpionshawn said:

    Are you in a big company with a fleet of ships? If not no one cares about you and your little ship. That's the direction of the game or so im told. How does that make you feel?

    makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that you took the time to post here thanks! 🙂

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  5. So i have circled the world now and traveled all over. I can tell you that tundra and polar caps are the hardest to sail in due to these spawn rates. PLEASE tone down the spawn rate... i entered E1 from E2 and was greated by 6 SoTD and a Whale.... the whales aggro range is massive! p why are polar caps and tundra waters so much harder to sail through?

    • Like 1

  6. 17 minutes ago, Bleurgh said:

    Sad to say jennyan, but if it wasn't the borked ship of the damned, then you were probably griefed by someone. 

    There is the worst, totally broken mechanic I have ever seen in any PvE game - you can sink anyone's ship by overloading it with weight. Because you can still move even when you are totally over encumbered (really GS...really!!!!!), griefers are just loading themselves up with weight and then creeping into people's boats, overloading them till they sink.

    We've had two ships sank this way. The second time the dude was just looking at us laughing, but because it's a PvE server we couldn't even kill him 😂😂

    We've given up on official for now.

    hit the player with a repair hammer or other metal tools. for some reason in pve you can kill players with tools. 

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