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Posts posted by AdmiralHardcastle

  1. This isn't really to how to tune your animals... but what about a needs/wants system for the wildlife to create more believable AI.

    Predators get hungry, they need to eat, if they're full they're less aggressive but if the hungrier they get the more aggressive they get.  
    They need to eat, but maybe they have a preference for certain animals... so when they're not uber hungry, they're actively roaming looking for their preferred meal.

    To advance this even more, implement a nesting and territory system.  Wolves perhaps like to den during the day, but range out at night to hunt.  In their dens is where they would procreate and protect/spawn babies that they also need to feed.  Maybe ostriches like to nest where the beach turns to grass, so they nest there, and get aggro if they have a baby or eggs, but remain passive if they are not roosting.

    Maybe herbivores have preference to different foods, too, and you have to pen your garden off to ensure wildlife doesnt start digging up your taters.

    Add watering holes- fresh water and rivers.  This will give animals a place to range to and drink daily.

    Seabirds should fly around whales, also.  This will help give a visible clue to where whale pods are from a distance.

    I love systems in games, they have the potential off adding (or going ffkking crazy) to the immersion by bringing randomness.  I've always wanted to see human AI also operate in the same way... with full day cycles from bed to work, 2 or 3 meals a day, and recreational preferences or hobbies, and simulated food storage to get them to go to stores randomly.  Does it matter?  I guess not... but does it not matter?  I bet it'd matter to the Hosts 

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