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Posts posted by Delalune

  1. Bear - It’s clear that the bear is the popular choice for best all-around tame. I think that the bear’s combat ability is where other offensive tames should be. In addition to all that strength and health..and stamina..and carry weight, which makes sense because it’s a bear, their strongest attack also has a conic radius and they are unmatched at gathering underbrush resources; and their bite or swipe gives you the ability to gather meat or hide at various rates. They can run fairly quickly at top speed, but easily bump into things and lose their momentum. Their biggest negatives are that they can’t jump and are not very nimble, so backing up or making sharp turns can be slightly difficult; but their swipe is conic so that’s usually not a problem in combat. Most people are pretty happy with the bear and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think it really shines because it doesn’t have much competition; by that I mean that most other tames feel fairly useless in general. I can only think of two reasonable things to change about the bear without painfully nerfing its stats. Make it T3 and lower its attack speed. Attack speed is the huge thing here. It would lower its ability to both attack in combat and gather at a high rate without making it too weak at anything it’s currently good at.

    Chicken - It gives you eggs. Not worth breeding.

    Cow - It gives you milk. Not worth breeding. If anything, add the ability to ride it without a saddle like the pig simply for a quality of life improvement.

    Bull - Please enable the use of cargo saddles for bulls. Increased carry weight and possibly buff damage. I would really like the bull to be useful for something. I think it would be great to give it the ability to gather materials that currently do not seem to be gathered at increased rates by any other tames, such as tree fibers like bamboo and silk as well as secondary resources from trees such as cocoa and limes.

    Crow - It buffs intelligence at a decent value. Definitely the most useful shoulder pet. It’s not the Crow’s fault that intelligence rolls blueprint bonuses on a percentile and simply increases your maximum while doing nothing about the minimum, still letting you roll a natural 1, so that almost no one bothers to put their stat points into it when they could use those points for something more concrete. Or that it’s only semi-useful when crafting special blueprints and absolutely nothing else like gathering rates or something. Please increase the spoil timers on worms because birds are hard enough to tame already.

    Razortooth - I’ve heard it’s a picky eater so I really haven’t tried to tame one yet. But I’d definitely be upset if something I traveled so far into the most dangerous territory in the game for and worked so hard to tame died because it’s squishy. It’s not even in a tier, so it should be that strong and scary.

    Shieldhorn - I heard it stops bullets which is pretty cool. I see a lot of people saying to buff its stamina so I’m going to assume it needs that. Again, it’s difficult to get to and tame so it should be better than T3. Definitely seems like the tank tame so I’m hoping it has very high health.

    Elephant - Elephants are great. They gather wood and can kind of stomp on things. I love the carry weight buffs. But I think it needs a couple changes to really shine. Something so big and heavy shouldn’t get stuck on snakes and and puppies. If it’s possible, adding some sort of collision change that lets you push creatures out of the way or walk over them more effectively would be fantastic. Please remove the collision from their tusks though because they get stuck on literally everything and you can barely even walk around them.

    Giant Pig - Everybody poops. You can ride it. But you can’t make it poop while riding it. I tried.

    Giraffe - I love the recent changes to weight and thatch gathering. Exactly what this tame needed.

    Horse - They’re very fast and can carry a decent amount of weight, as well as gather seeds and some berries and vegetables if you need them. Useful for exploring new places and traveling in general. They are so ridiculously annoying to catch though. Taming them is easy, if you can catch them. Basically, you either make a trap and hope one decides to fall in or you chase it down with another tame and somehow trap them between a rock and a hard place and hope they don’t get free in-between bolas. That’s if they don’t run into the ocean and swim around in circles until a shark eats them first. Please lower their movement speed, preferably only while wild if that’s possible, or make them semi-aggressive so they only run away at a certain health threshold.

    Lion - Good at killing things, but they should be stronger than bears. Please buff their carry weight and stamina so they can be a little more useful for other things as well. I’d like it if they didn’t sound like rubbing sandpaper while running around too.

    Monkey - Health regeneration is cool, though it’s not much so I think this should be increased. Making their buff more noticeable would make them more desirable for map hunts and Golden Age Ruins runs. They throw poop at things too, but that’s about as useful as a ball of poop. The Monkey is small, but it’s quite nimble and reflexive so I think it could use a little more health for survivability.

    Ostrich - The ostrich is one of my favorites because I love the temperature regulation buffs. It is by far the most annoying tame to be around though, so please lower the interval at which it makes that horrible vocal noise. It’s smaller than a horse so it can’t carry as much weight, but it also seems to have lower health which makes the horse a more desirable choice for a travel mount in any biome but the desert; or maybe a heat wave in the tropics. The hyperthermic regulation is great, though obviously only useful in warmer climates so it’s very situational. I think that it needs a slight buff to compete with the horse, either movement speed or jump strength to make up for the difference in health and carrying capacity.

    Parrot - By far my favorite avian. The available color schemes for this tame makes it kind of fun to seek out. I love the fortitude buff, but it’s such a small amount that it’s hardly worth the effort. Taming any of the avians can be fairly challenging, and they all have very low health values so they can die easily if anything goes wrong. I think the fortitude value should be greatly increased, by at least 4-5x. Currently a decent level parrot doesn’t even provide you with a third of what you get just from balancing your vitamins, and even the vitamin buff doesn’t make a huge difference honestly. Bird tames aren’t designed to fight or gather, their only value lies in that buff they provide when on your shoulder. Currently not worth the effort to tame or take with you on your travels, especially when zone changes cause shoulder-mounted pets to get lost in transition and tames in general fall off or clip through boats so easily. Not even worth the crew slot it takes to bring them with you.

    Penguin - Adorable and cuddly. They help keep you warm in the coldest of climates but restrict your actions while doing so. They’re slow, weak and only eat fish which makes them extremely high maintenance. Currently not worth the effort for any tamer or breeder unless you’re simply trying to stay alive in your own home during a polar cold snap. But even then, you might as well just save the ironwood in your grills, give in and wait until it’s over. You already have to travel to the most dangerous waters outside of Golden Age Ruins just to get to the polar biome where penguins live, through high level ships of the damned and aggressive whales waiting to destroy half your planks with a single tail sweep, to the harshest biome of the game with dozens of the most dangerous non-mythic creatures around every corner, waiting to punch you in the face. Their buff should be applied in a small radius with a proper icon, specifically for tamers willing to handle the nightmare of breeding and are wishing to raise baby animals. Penguins should be able to eat regular meat too. For our sanity, please.

    Rabbit - Cute, squishy, I guess they warn me of danger. Kind of useless. They should provide a movement speed buff that scales with level.

    Rhino - Rocks are heavy, metal is heavier. The rhino needs more carry weight than the elephant honestly, especially since the elephant handles easier for some reason. Currently only useful for destroying player structures on PvP, but even then it would probably just get shot.

    Seagull - Definitely the most useless tame so far. Why an animal that can’t breathe underwater provides you with a buff to oxygen and swim speed, I don’t know. Maybe so I can swim one second faster to the shore from an anchoring point 20 meters away, or I could just use a dinghy if it’s really cold or something. And it only eats fish? No way am I going fishing every day just for that. Making it so aggressive creatures won’t go after PCs in a diving suit has made it somewhat viable. But please, if it can’t breathe underwater, at least give it so much oxygen that it won’t need to; without having to waste all its stat points by putting them into oxygen. I’d rather put them into food so I won’t have to fish as much to feed this thing. Seagulls basically eat anything in real life, so I don’t really understand the fish-only thing. Please buff oxygen and let it eat regular meat if not berries and vegetables as well.

    Sheep - It gives you fleece, so that’s cool. Or I could just ride my bear around and kill all the sheep to get even more fleece. More fleece is always good.

    Tiger - The tiger is my favorite tame overall. Not because it’s great, I just like large cats. The bleed attack is amazing and actually makes it viable to take on stronger enemies, albeit in a sort of kamikaze way since elementals and most other mythics pretty much decimate anything in their path. Needs a stamina and carry weight buff, like the lion, for a quality of life improvement. It should also, like the lion, do more damage than a bear without relying on the bleed; especially since it has significantly lower health, is designed solely for combat and not to gather much of anything at all. Not sounding like wet leather while running would be a very appealing change as well.

    Vulture - For such a biome-specific and annoying creature to tame, I was disappointed to find out that vultures do absolutely nothing at all. If you attack one, all of the vultures in the area aggro to you; as if trying to tame avians wasn’t difficult enough. They only eat rotten meat, which is kind of silly. I get it, they’re vultures. But why would they only eat rotten meat and not regular meat? Do they sit around and wait for a corpse to decompose into filth before coming at it like flying piranhas? No, they dive right down and eat anything and everything in their way. They desperately need something to make them desirable to players. All of the birds are completely useless in combat, even the vulture. Buffing its health and damage to make it at least usable as an attack pet would be a good start. It’s bigger, tougher and more aggressive than any of the other avians but their stats don’t reflect that at all. Still, a vulture could never kill a wolf one-on-one, and I wouldn’t expect them to be able to. But being able to provide support damage and possibly buffing their carry weight and hide or keratinoid gathering rate could make them somewhat useful to bring along. Even if you added all that, I still think it would need some sort of player buff while shoulder-mounted to really make anyone want one. What buff exactly though, I’m not sure. Perhaps a melee damage buff that scales with level to make for a great partnership.

    Wolf - Lastly, and certainly least, the wolf. It was my second favorite, right after the tiger. That was until I found out there was no pack buff, then their health and damage got nerfed so significantly that they became only just slightly more dangerous than a dog with a chew toy. They’re about as useful as a warm blanket. They keep you warm, but they have such low stamina that you can’t run anywhere with them, such low damage that they can’t properly defend themselves and such low health that they die quite quickly after you find out that they can neither run away from nor fight anything even remotely dangerous because all of their stats are so poor. You can’t carry anything while riding them and they don’t even get a secondary attack. Just some howl that you think might actually do something but it does nothing at all. With Nature’s Roar, my wolf was still doing less damage than my bear’s normal attack. I get it, wolves were scary at first and a lot of people probably cried about it because they’re aggressive and are in many more biomes than other aggressive animals, and they can chase you down unlike the rattlesnakes, cobras and crocodiles that you can just run away from. Lowering their aggro range was a good idea, but lowering their damage and health made them completely useless as a tame. They weren’t even all that useful before. Keep their health the way it is, that’s fine. But buff their damage back to something reasonable and give them significantly more stamina. Add a bit more carry weight, at least enough so that they can carry some hide and give them 2x rates for hide and keratinoid. This will make them desirable and useful for travel and hunting across all biomes, but not too dangerous in the wild. Turning their howl into a timed pack buff that scales with the number of your own wolves in range would also be a welcome addition.

    Some additional notes, please fix the things like….tames falling through floors, falling off boats, flying off into the sky, getting lost in the abyss during zone transitions, floating or clipping after anchoring, falling through the back of the boat when porting between decks, wild animals spawning inside player structures and attacking all our tames. Thank you. Also please add saddle blueprints that are better than regular saddles. War saddles would be really cool too, like they weigh a ton but provide much more armor than a regular saddle. Nerf fire elementals. If you’ve read all this, thank you for your time.

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